Slugger Legacy

Slugger Legacy

Home Slugger-Legacy


Louisville Slugger 2019 PXT X19 -10 Fastpitch Softball Bat 34 inch 24 oz
Ready to build on its growing legacy, the 2019 PXT X19 Fastpitch bat from Louisville Slugger is changing the game - again. Mass FX Loaded Sweet Spot Technology places a greater amount of mass directly behind the sweet spot - creating more momentum and effortless power each time you step to the plate. The PWR STAX barrel design evenly distributes the load on impact, pairing perfectly with the new Mass FX technology for added pop in this new model. The multi-layered construction is designed to amplify player-created energy into powerful performance. VCX technology allows for independent movement between the barrel and handle in the 2019 PXT X19, controlling vibration and providing unparalleled feel on contact. A new ultra-lightweight X-Cap and Slugger Pro Comfort grip give you more control than ever - without sacrificing any of the power you've come to love in a PXT bat. The 2019 PXT drop 10 is designed for elite hitters who want the ultimate combination of power and pop. Comes with a 1 year manufacturer's warranty from Louisville Slugger. - -10 Length to Weight Ratio - 2 1/4 Inch Barrel Diameter - Power-Balanced swing weight - New MASS FX Loaded Sweet Spot Technology - VCX Technology - LS Pro Comfort Grip - PWR STAX barrel technology - 7/8 Inch Handle Diameter - Approved for Play In ASA, USSSA, ISA, NSA and ISF - 1 Year Manufacturer's Warranty $199.95

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ld on its growing legacy, the 2019 P
ts growing legacy, the 2019 PXT X19 Fas
eady to build on its growing
ld on its growing legacy, the 2019 PXT X19 Fastpitch
o build on its growing legacy, the 2019 PXT X19 Fastpitch bat from Louisv
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Louisville Softball Bat Louisville Slugger Slugger 2019 2019 PXT PXT X19 X19 -10 -10 Fastpitch Louisville Slugger 2019 PXT Louisville Slugger -10 Fastpitch Louisville Slugger Softball Bat


Louisville Slugger 2019 PXT X19 -10 Fastpitch Softball Bat 33 inch 23 oz
Ready to build on its growing legacy, the 2019 PXT X19 Fastpitch bat from Louisville Slugger is changing the game - again. Mass FX Loaded Sweet Spot Technology places a greater amount of mass directly behind the sweet spot - creating more momentum and effortless power each time you step to the plate. The PWR STAX barrel design evenly distributes the load on impact, pairing perfectly with the new Mass FX technology for added pop in this new model. The multi-layered construction is designed to amplify player-created energy into powerful performance. VCX technology allows for independent movement between the barrel and handle in the 2019 PXT X19, controlling vibration and providing unparalleled feel on contact. A new ultra-lightweight X-Cap and Slugger Pro Comfort grip give you more control than ever - without sacrificing any of the power you've come to love in a PXT bat. The 2019 PXT drop 10 is designed for elite hitters who want the ultimate combination of power and pop. Comes with a 1 year manufacturer's warranty from Louisville Slugger. - -10 Length to Weight Ratio - 2 1/4 Inch Barrel Diameter - Power-Balanced swing weight - New MASS FX Loaded Sweet Spot Technology - VCX Technology - LS Pro Comfort Grip - PWR STAX barrel technology - 7/8 Inch Handle Diameter - Approved for Play In ASA, USSSA, ISA, NSA and ISF - 1 Year Manufacturer's Warranty $199.95

eady to build on its growing legacy, the 2019 PXT X19 Fastpitch bat from Louisville Slugger is cha
ady to build on its grow
d on its growing legacy, the 2019 PXT X19 Fastpitch bat from Louisville Slugger is
ady to build on its growing legacy, the 2019 PXT X19 Fastpitch bat from Louisville S
dy to build on its growing legacy, the 2019 PXT X19 Fastpitch bat from Louisville Slugg
to build on its growi
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eady to build on its growing legacy, the
Louisville Softball Bat Louisville Slugger Slugger 2019 2019 PXT PXT X19 X19 -10 -10 Fastpitch Louisville Slugger 2019 PXT Louisville Slugger -10 Fastpitch Louisville Slugger Softball Bat


Louisville Slugger 2019 PXT X19 -10 Fastpitch Softball Bat 32 inch 22 oz
Ready to build on its growing legacy, the 2019 PXT X19 Fastpitch bat from Louisville Slugger is changing the game - again. Mass FX Loaded Sweet Spot Technology places a greater amount of mass directly behind the sweet spot - creating more momentum and effortless power each time you step to the plate. The PWR STAX barrel design evenly distributes the load on impact, pairing perfectly with the new Mass FX technology for added pop in this new model. The multi-layered construction is designed to amplify player-created energy into powerful performance. VCX technology allows for independent movement between the barrel and handle in the 2019 PXT X19, controlling vibration and providing unparalleled feel on contact. A new ultra-lightweight X-Cap and Slugger Pro Comfort grip give you more control than ever - without sacrificing any of the power you've come to love in a PXT bat. The 2019 PXT drop 10 is designed for elite hitters who want the ultimate combination of power and pop. Comes with a 1 year manufacturer's warranty from Louisville Slugger. - -10 Length to Weight Ratio - 2 1/4 Inch Barrel Diameter - Power-Balanced swing weight - New MASS FX Loaded Sweet Spot Technology - VCX Technology - LS Pro Comfort Grip - PWR STAX barrel technology - 7/8 Inch Handle Diameter - Approved for Play In ASA, USSSA, ISA, NSA and ISF - 1 Year Manufacturer's Warranty $149.95

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 to build on its growing legacy, the 2019 PXT X19 Fastpitch bat from Louisvil
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eady to build on its grow
y to build on its growing legacy, the 2019 PXT X19 Fastpitch bat from Louisville Slugger is
to build on its growing legacy, the 2019 PXT X19 Fastpitch bat fro
Louisville Softball Bat Louisville Slugger Slugger 2019 2019 PXT PXT X19 X19 -10 -10 Fastpitch Louisville Slugger 2019 PXT Louisville Slugger -10 Fastpitch Louisville Slugger Softball Bat


Louisville Slugger Legacy Series 5 LTE Ash C271 Wood Baseball Bat 31 inch Black
The Louisville Slugger Legacy LTE Ash Wood Bat Series is made from flexible, dependable premium ash wood, and is guaranteed to have a -5 drop or lighter. Despite a lightweight feel, the Legacy LTE maintains all the durability of heavier models with the flexibility you expect from an ash bat. - Series 5 LTE Ash (guaranteed -5 oz.) - Black Finish - C271 Turning Model - Most Balanced Swing Weight - Regular Gloss (barrel) - Cupped                                                              $44.00

ville Slugger Legacy LTE Ash Wood Bat
Louisville Slugger Legacy LTE Ash Wood Bat Series is made from flexible, depen
lle Slugger Legacy LTE Ash Wood Bat Ser
 Louisville Slugger Legacy L
ville Slugger Legacy LTE Ash Wood Bat Series is made from flexible,
le Slugger Legacy LTE Ash Wood Bat Series is made from flexible,
Louisville Baseball Bat Louisville Slugger Slugger Legacy Legacy Series Series 5 5 LTE LTE Ash Louisville Slugger Legacy Series Louisville Slugger LTE Ash Louisville Slugger C271 Wood


Louisville Slugger Legacy Series 5 LTE Ash C271 Wood Baseball Bat 30 inch Black
The Louisville Slugger Legacy LTE Ash Wood Bat Series is made from flexible, dependable premium ash wood, and is guaranteed to have a -5 drop or lighter. Despite a lightweight feel, the Legacy LTE maintains all the durability of heavier models with the flexibility you expect from an ash bat. - Series 5 LTE Ash (guaranteed -5 oz.) - Black Finish - C271 Turning Model - Most Balanced Swing Weight - Regular Gloss (barrel) - Cupped                                                              $46.90

 Slugger Legacy LTE Ash Wood Bat Series is
e Slugger Legacy LTE Ash Wood Bat Series
e Louisville Slugger Lega
 Louisville Slugger Legacy LTE Ash
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isville Slugger Legacy LTE Ash Wood
Louisville Baseball Bat Louisville Slugger Slugger Legacy Legacy Series Series 5 5 LTE LTE Ash Louisville Slugger Legacy Series Louisville Slugger LTE Ash Louisville Slugger C271 Wood


Louisville Slugger Legacy Series 5 LTE Ash C271 Wood Baseball Bat 29 inch Black
The Louisville Slugger Legacy LTE Ash Wood Bat Series is made from flexible, dependable premium ash wood, and is guaranteed to have a -5 drop or lighter. Despite a lightweight feel, the Legacy LTE maintains all the durability of heavier models with the flexibility you expect from an ash bat. - Series 5 LTE Ash (guaranteed -5 oz.) - Black Finish - C271 Turning Model - Most Balanced Swing Weight - Regular Gloss (barrel) - Cupped                                                              $34.95

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he Louisville Slugger Legacy LTE Ash Wood Bat Series is made from flexible, dependable premi
Louisville Baseball Bat Louisville Slugger Slugger Legacy Legacy Series Series 5 5 LTE LTE Ash Louisville Slugger Legacy Series Louisville Slugger LTE Ash Louisville Slugger C271 Wood


Louisville Slugger Legacy Series 5 LTE Ash C243 Hornsby Wood Baseball Bat 34 inch
The Louisville Slugger Legacy LTE Ash Wood Bat Series is made from flexible, dependable premium ash wood, and is guaranteed to have a -5 drop or lighter. Despite a lightweight feel, the Legacy LTE maintains all the durability of heavier models with the flexibility you expect from an ash bat. - Series 5 LTE Ash (guaranteed -5 oz.) - Black Finish - C271 Turning Model - Most Balanced Swing Weight - Regular Gloss (barrel) - Cupped                                                              $46.90

e Louisville Slugger L
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 Slugger Legacy LTE Ash Wood Bat Series is made from flexible, dependabl
ger Legacy LTE Ash Wood Bat Series is made
uisville Slugger Legacy LTE Ash Wood Bat Series is made from flexible, dependable premium ash w
The Louisville Slugger Legacy LTE Ash Wood Bat Series is made from flexi
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The Louisville Slugger Legacy LTE Ash Wood Bat Series is made
The Louisville Slugger Legacy
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gger Legacy LTE Ash Wood Bat Series is made from flexible, dependable premium ash wood, and is g
he Louisville Slugger Legacy
lle Slugger Legacy LTE Ash Wood Bat Series is made from flexible, dependable premium ash wood, an
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sville Slugger Legacy LTE Ash Wood Bat Series is made from flexible, dependa
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lle Slugger Legacy
isville Slugger Legacy LTE Ash Wood Bat Series is made from flexible, dependable premium ash
 Louisville Slugger Legacy LTE Ash Wood Bat Series is
 Slugger Legacy LTE Ash Wood Bat Series is made from flexibl
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isville Slugger Legacy LTE Ash Wood Bat Series is made from flexible, dependable premium ash wo
Louisville Baseball Bat Louisville Slugger Slugger Legacy Legacy Series Series 5 5 LTE LTE Ash Louisville Slugger Legacy Series Louisville Slugger LTE Ash Louisville Slugger C243 Hornsby


Louisville Slugger Legacy Series 5 LTE Ash C243 Hornsby Wood Baseball Bat 33 inch
The Louisville Slugger legacy LTE ash wood bat Series is made from flexible, dependable premium ash wood, and is guaranteed to have a -3 drop or lighter. Despite a lightweight feel, the legacy LTE maintains all the durability of heavier models with the flexibility you expect from an ash bat. The C243 is the most end-loaded WTLW5A243B1633 in the LTE ash Series. $46.90

Louisville Slugger le
Louisville Slugger legacy LTE ash wood bat Series is made from flexibl
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 Slugger legacy LTE ash wood bat Series is made from fle
sville Slugger legacy LTE ash w
Louisville Baseball Bat Louisville Slugger Slugger Legacy Legacy Series Series 5 5 LTE LTE Ash Louisville Slugger Legacy Series Louisville Slugger LTE Ash Louisville Slugger C243 Hornsby


Louisville Slugger Legacy Series 5 LTE Ash C243 Hornsby Wood Baseball Bat 32 inch
The Louisville Slugger legacy LTE ash wood bat Series is made from flexible, dependable premium ash wood, and is guaranteed to have a -3 drop or lighter. Despite a lightweight feel, the legacy LTE maintains all the durability of heavier models with the flexibility you expect from an ash bat. The C243 is the most end-loaded WTLW5A243B1633 in the LTE ash Series. $44.95

uisville Slugger legacy LTE ash wood bat Series is made fr
 Louisville Slugger legacy LTE ash wood bat Series is made from flexible, dependable pr
e Slugger legacy LTE ash wood bat Series is made from flexible, de
e Louisville Slugger legacy LTE ash wood bat Series is m
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Louisville Baseball Bat Louisville Slugger Slugger Legacy Legacy Series Series 5 5 LTE LTE Ash Louisville Slugger Legacy Series Louisville Slugger LTE Ash Louisville Slugger C243 Hornsby


Louisville Slugger Legacy Series 5 Ash T141 Wood Baseball Bat 32 inch Black Natural
Louisville Slugger Legacy S5 LTE -3 Ash Wood Baseball Bat The Louisville Slugger Legacy LTE Ash Wood Bat Series is made from flexible, dependable premium ash wood, and is guaranteed to have a -5 drop or lighter. Despite a lightweight feel, the Legacy LTE maintains all the durability of heavier models with the flexibility you expect from an ash bat. C271 Wood: Series 5 LTE Ash Finish: Black Turning Model: C271 Swing Weight: Balanced Cupped: Yes T141 Wood: Series 5 LTE Ash Finish: NaturalBlack Turning Model: T141 Swing Weight: Balanced Cupped: Yes $39.95

ugger Legacy S5 LTE -3 Ash Wood Baseball Bat The Louisville Slugger Legacy LT
lle Slugger Legacy S5 LTE -3 Ash Wood Baseball Bat Th
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er Legacy S5 LTE -3 Ash Wood Baseball Bat
Louisville Baseball Bat Louisville Slugger Slugger Legacy Legacy Series Series 5 5 Ash Ash T141 Louisville Slugger Legacy Series Louisville Slugger Ash T141 Louisville Slugger Wood Baseball


Louisville Slugger Legacy Series 5 Ash T141 Wood Baseball Bat 31 inch Black Natural
Louisville Slugger Legacy S5 LTE -3 Ash Wood Baseball Bat The Louisville Slugger Legacy LTE Ash Wood Bat Series is made from flexible, dependable premium ash wood, and is guaranteed to have a -5 drop or lighter. Despite a lightweight feel, the Legacy LTE maintains all the durability of heavier models with the flexibility you expect from an ash bat. C271 Wood: Series 5 LTE Ash Finish: Black Turning Model: C271 Swing Weight: Balanced Cupped: Yes T141 Wood: Series 5 LTE Ash Finish: NaturalBlack Turning Model: T141 Swing Weight: Balanced Cupped: Yes $39.95

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 Legacy S5 LTE -3 Ash Wood Basebal
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isville Slugger Legacy S5 LTE -3 Ash Wood Baseball Bat The Louisville Slugger Legacy LTE Ash Wo
Louisville Baseball Bat Louisville Slugger Slugger Legacy Legacy Series Series 5 5 Ash Ash T141 Louisville Slugger Legacy Series Louisville Slugger Ash T141 Louisville Slugger Wood Baseball


Louisville Slugger Legacy Series 5 Ash T141 Wood Baseball Bat 30 inch Black Natural
Louisville Slugger Legacy S5 LTE -3 Ash Wood Baseball Bat The Louisville Slugger Legacy LTE Ash Wood Bat Series is made from flexible, dependable premium ash wood, and is guaranteed to have a -5 drop or lighter. Despite a lightweight feel, the Legacy LTE maintains all the durability of heavier models with the flexibility you expect from an ash bat. C271 Wood: Series 5 LTE Ash Finish: Black Turning Model: C271 Swing Weight: Balanced Cupped: Yes T141 Wood: Series 5 LTE Ash Finish: NaturalBlack Turning Model: T141 Swing Weight: Balanced Cupped: Yes $44.95

gger Legacy S5 LTE -3 Ash Wood Baseball Bat The Louisville Slugger Legacy
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 Legacy S5
 Legacy S5 LTE -3 Ash Wood Baseball Bat The Louisville S
ville Slugger Legacy S5 LTE -3 Ash Wood Baseball Bat The Louisville Slugger Legacy LTE Ash
Louisville Baseball Bat Louisville Slugger Slugger Legacy Legacy Series Series 5 5 Ash Ash T141 Louisville Slugger Legacy Series Louisville Slugger Ash T141 Louisville Slugger Wood Baseball


Louisville Slugger Legacy Series 5 LTE Ash C271 Unfinished Baseball Bat 34
The Louisville Slugger Legacy LTE Ash Wood Bat Series is made from flexible, dependable premium ash wood, and is guaranteed to have a -3 drop or lighter. Despite a lightweight feel, the Legacy LTE maintains all the durability of heavier models with the flexibility you expect from an ash bat. - Series 5 LTE Ash (guaranteed -3 oz.) - Split Unfinished and Flame - C271 Turning Model - Most Balanced Swing Weight - Regular Gloss (barrel) - Cupped                                                              $47.90

lle Slugger Legacy LTE Ash Wood Bat Series is made from flexible, dependable premiu
 Slugger Legacy LTE Ash Wood Bat Series is made from flexible, dependable premium ash wood,
le Slugger Legacy LTE Ash Wood Bat Series is made from flexible, dependable premium ash wood,
ugger Legacy LT
The Louisville Slugger Legacy LTE Ash Wood Bat
Louisville Baseball Bat Louisville Slugger Slugger Legacy Legacy Series Series 5 5 LTE LTE Ash Louisville Slugger Legacy Series Louisville Slugger LTE Ash Louisville Slugger C271 Unfinished


Louisville Slugger Legacy Series 5 LTE Ash C271 Unfinished Baseball Bat 33
The Louisville Slugger Legacy LTE Ash Wood Bat Series is made from flexible, dependable premium ash wood, and is guaranteed to have a -3 drop or lighter. Despite a lightweight feel, the Legacy LTE maintains all the durability of heavier models with the flexibility you expect from an ash bat. - Series 5 LTE Ash (guaranteed -3 oz.) - Split Unfinished and Flame - C271 Turning Model - Most Balanced Swing Weight - Regular Gloss (barrel) - Cupped                                                              $45.95

gger Legacy LTE Ash Wood Bat Series is made from flexibl
lle Slugger Legacy LTE Ash Wood Bat Series is made fro
ville Slugger Legacy LTE Ash Wood Bat Series is made from flexible, dependable premium ash wood
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Louisville Baseball Bat Louisville Slugger Slugger Legacy Legacy Series Series 5 5 LTE LTE Ash Louisville Slugger Legacy Series Louisville Slugger LTE Ash Louisville Slugger C271 Unfinished


Louisville Slugger Legacy Series 5 LTE Ash C271 Unfinished Baseball Bat 32
Louisville Slugger Legacy LTE Ash Wood Bat Series is made from flexible, dependable premium ash wood, and is guaranteed to have a -3 drop or lighter. Despite a lightweight feel, the Legacy LTE maintains all the durability of heavier models with the flexibility you expect from an ash bat. - Series 5 LTE Ash (guaranteed -3 oz.) - Split Unfinished and Flame - C271 Turning Model - Most Balanced Swing Weight - Regular Gloss (barrel) - Cupped                                                              $47.90

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 Legacy LTE Ash Wood Bat Series is made from flexible, dependable premium ash
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Louisville Baseball Bat Louisville Slugger Slugger Legacy Legacy Series Series 5 5 LTE LTE Ash Louisville Slugger Legacy Series Louisville Slugger LTE Ash Louisville Slugger C271 Unfinished


Louisville Slugger Legacy Ash C243 Baseball Bat 34 inch
Wood: Series 5 Ash Finish: Matte Black, Top Coat: Regular Matte Turning Model: C243 Swing Weight: Slight End Load Bone Rubbed: No, Cupped: Yes $45.00

: Series 5 Ash Finish: Matte Black, Top Coat: Regular Matte Turning Mo
ies 5 Ash Finish: Mat
eries 5 Ash Finish: Matte Black, Top Coat: Regular Matte Turn
Ash Finish: Matte Black, Top Coat: Regular Matte Turning Model: C243 Swing Weight: Sligh
sh Finish: Matte Black, Top Coat: Regular Matt
Louisville Baseball Bat Louisville Slugger Slugger Legacy Legacy Ash Ash C243 C243 Baseball Baseball Bat Louisville Slugger Legacy Ash Louisville Slugger Baseball Bat Louisville Slugger 34 inch


Louisville Slugger Legacy Ash C243 Wood Baseball Bat 33 inch
Wood: Series 5 Ash Finish: Matte Black, Top Coat: Regular Matte Turning Model: C243 Swing Weight: Slight End Load Bone Rubbed: No, Cupped: Yes $44.12

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Series 5 Ash Finish: Matte Black, Top Coat: Regular Matte Turning Model:
 Series 5 Ash Finish: Matte Black, Top Coat: Re
s 5 Ash Finish: Matte Black, Top Coat: Regular Matte Turning Model: C243 Swing Weigh
Louisville Baseball Bat Louisville Slugger Slugger Legacy Legacy Ash Ash C243 C243 Wood Wood Baseball Louisville Slugger Legacy Ash Louisville Slugger Wood Baseball Louisville Slugger Bat 33


Louisville Slugger Legacy Ash C243 Wood Baseball Bat 32 inch
Wood: Series 5 Ash Finish: Matte Black, Top Coat: Regular Matte Turning Model: C243 Swing Weight: Slight End Load Bone Rubbed: No, Cupped: Yes $45.00

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 Ash Finish: Matte Black, Top Coat: Regular Matte Turning Model: C243 Swing Weight: Slight En
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Series 5 Ash Finish: Mat
Louisville Baseball Bat Louisville Slugger Slugger Legacy Legacy Ash Ash C243 C243 Wood Wood Baseball Louisville Slugger Legacy Ash Louisville Slugger Wood Baseball Louisville Slugger Bat 32


Louisville Slugger Legacy Series 5 Ash M110 Wood Baseball Bat 34 inch
Wood: Series 5 Ash Finish: Split Unfinished and Flame, Top Coat: Regular Gloss Turning Model: M110 Swing Weight: Most Balanced Bone Rubbed: No, Cupped: Yes $47.42

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s 5 Ash
Louisville Baseball Bat Louisville Slugger Slugger Legacy Legacy Series Series 5 5 Ash Ash M110 Louisville Slugger Legacy Series Louisville Slugger Ash M110 Louisville Slugger Wood Baseball


Louisville Slugger Legacy Series 5 Ash M110 Wood Baseball Bat 33 inch
Wood: Series 5 Ash Finish: Split Unfinished and Flame, Top Coat: Regular Gloss Turning Model: M110 Swing Weight: Most Balanced Bone Rubbed: No, Cupped: Yes $46.65

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Ash Finish: Split U
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es 5 Ash Finish: Split Unfinished and Flame, Top Coat: Regular Gloss Turning Model:
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Louisville Baseball Bat Louisville Slugger Slugger Legacy Legacy Series Series 5 5 Ash Ash M110 Louisville Slugger Legacy Series Louisville Slugger Ash M110 Louisville Slugger Wood Baseball


Louisville Slugger Legacy Series 5 Ash M110 Wood Baseball Bat 32 inch
Wood: Series 5 Ash Finish: Split Unfinished and Flame, Top Coat: Regular Gloss Turning Model: M110 Swing Weight: Most Balanced Bone Rubbed: No, Cupped: Yes $45.00

Wood: Series 5 Ash Finish: Split Unfinished and Fla
sh Finish: Split Unfinished and Flame, Top Coat: Regular Gloss Turning Model: M
Series 5 Ash Finish:
ies 5 Ash Finish: Split Unfinished and Flame, Top Coat: Regular Gloss Turning
Louisville Baseball Bat Louisville Slugger Slugger Legacy Legacy Series Series 5 5 Ash Ash M110 Louisville Slugger Legacy Series Louisville Slugger Ash M110 Louisville Slugger Wood Baseball


Louisville Slugger Legacy Series 5 Ash C271 Wood Baseball Bat 34 inch
Wood: Series 5 Ash Finish: Natural, Top Coat: Regular Gloss Turning Model: C271 Swing Weight: Most Balanced Bone Rubbed: No, Cupped: Yes $42.00

5 Ash Finish: Nat
ies 5 Ash Finish: Natural, Top Coat: Regular Gloss Turning Model: C271 Swing W
5 Ash Finish: Natural, Top Coat: Regular Glos
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Ash Finish: N
Louisville Baseball Bat Louisville Slugger Slugger Legacy Legacy Series Series 5 5 Ash Ash C271 Louisville Slugger Legacy Series Louisville Slugger Ash C271 Louisville Slugger Wood Baseball


Louisville Slugger Legacy Series 5 Ash C271 Wood Baseball Bat 32 inch
Wood: Series 5 Ash Finish: Natural, Top Coat: Regular Gloss Turning Model: C271 Swing Weight: Most Balanced Bone Rubbed: No, Cupped: Yes $39.95

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s 5 Ash Finish: Natural, Top Coat: Regular Gloss Turning Model: C271 S
eries 5 Ash Finish: Natural, Top Coat: Regular Gloss Turning Model: C271 Swin
 Finish: Natural, Top Coat: Regular Gloss Turning Model: C271 Swing
s 5 Ash Finish: Natural, Top Coat: Regular Gloss Turning Model: C271 Swing Weight: Most Balanced B
Louisville Baseball Bat Louisville Slugger Slugger Legacy Legacy Series Series 5 5 Ash Ash C271 Louisville Slugger Legacy Series Louisville Slugger Ash C271 Louisville Slugger Wood Baseball


Louisville Slugger Legacy Series 5 Ash C271 Wood Baseball Bat 33 inch
Wood: Series 5 Ash Finish: Natural, Top Coat: Regular Gloss Turning Model: C271 Swing Weight: Most Balanced Bone Rubbed: No, Cupped: Yes $43.00

 Finish: Natural, Top Coat: Regular Gloss Turning Model: C271 Swing Weight: Most Balanced Bone R
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 Finish: Natural, Top Coat: Regul
ood: Series 5 Ash Finish: Natural, Top Coat: Regular Gloss Turning Model: C271 Swing Weig
Louisville Baseball Bat Louisville Slugger Slugger Legacy Legacy Series Series 5 5 Ash Ash C271 Louisville Slugger Legacy Series Louisville Slugger Ash C271 Louisville Slugger Wood Baseball