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Louisville Slugger WBCMI13-BN MLB Authentic Cut Maple I13 Unfinished/Black Ma

l about dense timber for a hard hitting surface. Close-grain wood is less prone to flake
all about dense timber for a ha
all about dense timber for a hard hitting surface. Close-grain wood is less pro
is all about dense t
bout dense timber for a hard hitting surface. Clo
s all about dense timber for a hard hitting surface. Close-grain wood is le
 is all about d
Maple is all about dense timber for a hard hitting surface. Close-grain wood is less prone to flake like Ash and allows for more durability. Maple is the wood of choice among elite hitters. This I13 model in particular is made Bone Rubbed with a sweet Natural Black Matte finish. Some other features include a 15 16%94 handle a cupped end and a large-sized barrel. Get yours today right here I13 Maple Features Wood Maple Finish Natural Black Matte Barrel Large Handle 15 16%94 Target Weight -2oz give or take an ounce Bone Rubbed Cupped End
Louisville Slugger Slugger WBCMI13-BN WBCMI13-BN MLB MLB Authentic Authentic Cut Cut Maple Louisville Slugger WBCMI13-BN MLB Louisville Slugger Cut Maple Louisville Slugger I13 Unfinished/Black
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Louisville Slugger WBCMI13-BN MLB Authentic Cut Maple I13 Unfinished/Black Ma

l about dense timber for a hard hitting surface. Close-grain wood is less prone to flake
all about dense timber for a ha
all about dense timber for a hard hitting surface. Close-grain wood is less pro
is all about dense t
bout dense timber for a hard hitting surface. Clo
s all about dense timber for a hard hitting surface. Close-grain wood is le
 is all about d
Maple is all about dense timber for a hard hitting surface. Close-grain wood is less prone to flake like Ash and allows for more durability. Maple is the wood of choice among elite hitters. This I13 model in particular is made Bone Rubbed with a sweet Natural Black Matte finish. Some other features include a 15 16%94 handle a cupped end and a large-sized barrel. Get yours today right here I13 Maple Features Wood Maple Finish Natural Black Matte Barrel Large Handle 15 16%94 Target Weight -2oz give or take an ounce Bone Rubbed Cupped End
Louisville Slugger Slugger WBCMI13-BN WBCMI13-BN MLB MLB Authentic Authentic Cut Cut Maple Louisville Slugger WBCMI13-BN MLB Louisville Slugger Cut Maple Louisville Slugger I13 Unfinished/Black
More Info WBCMI13-BN34,Alexis,01/18/2019,5,,