Home LTE-Ash


Louisville Slugger Legacy Series 5 LTE Ash C271 Wood Baseball Bat 31 inch Black
The Louisville Slugger Legacy LTE Ash Wood Bat Series is made from flexible, dependable premium ash wood, and is guaranteed to have a -5 drop or lighter. Despite a lightweight feel, the Legacy LTE maintains all the durability of heavier models with the flexibility you expect from an ash bat. - Series 5 LTE Ash (guaranteed -5 oz.) - Black Finish - C271 Turning Model - Most Balanced Swing Weight - Regular Gloss (barrel) - Cupped                                                              $44.00

The Louisville Slugger Legacy LTE Ash Wood Bat Series is made from flexible, depen
le Slugger Legacy LTE Ash Wood Bat Series is made from flexible, dependable premiu
 Louisville Slugger Legacy LTE Ash Wood Bat Series is made from flexible, dependable premium ash
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ugger Legacy LTE Ash Wood Bat Series is made from flexible, dependable premium ash wood,
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Louisville Baseball Bat Louisville Slugger Slugger Legacy Legacy Series Series 5 5 LTE LTE Ash Louisville Slugger Legacy Series Louisville Slugger LTE Ash Louisville Slugger C271 Wood


Louisville Slugger Legacy Series 5 LTE Ash C271 Wood Baseball Bat 30 inch Black
The Louisville Slugger Legacy LTE Ash Wood Bat Series is made from flexible, dependable premium ash wood, and is guaranteed to have a -5 drop or lighter. Despite a lightweight feel, the Legacy LTE maintains all the durability of heavier models with the flexibility you expect from an ash bat. - Series 5 LTE Ash (guaranteed -5 oz.) - Black Finish - C271 Turning Model - Most Balanced Swing Weight - Regular Gloss (barrel) - Cupped                                                              $46.90

le Slugger Legacy LTE Ash Wood Bat Series is made from flexib
Louisville Slugger Legacy LTE Ash Wood Bat Series is made from fl
uisville Slugger Legacy LTE Ash Wood Bat Series is made from flexible, dependable premium ash
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e Louisville Slugger Legacy LTE Ash Wood Bat Se
Louisville Baseball Bat Louisville Slugger Slugger Legacy Legacy Series Series 5 5 LTE LTE Ash Louisville Slugger Legacy Series Louisville Slugger LTE Ash Louisville Slugger C271 Wood


Louisville Slugger Legacy Series 5 LTE Ash C271 Wood Baseball Bat 29 inch Black
The Louisville Slugger Legacy LTE Ash Wood Bat Series is made from flexible, dependable premium ash wood, and is guaranteed to have a -5 drop or lighter. Despite a lightweight feel, the Legacy LTE maintains all the durability of heavier models with the flexibility you expect from an ash bat. - Series 5 LTE Ash (guaranteed -5 oz.) - Black Finish - C271 Turning Model - Most Balanced Swing Weight - Regular Gloss (barrel) - Cupped                                                              $34.95

sville Slugger Legacy LTE Ash Wood Bat Series is made
 Louisville Slugger Legacy LTE Ash Wood B
isville Slugger Legacy LTE Ash Wood Bat Series is made from flexible, dependable premium ash
ger Legacy LTE Ash Wood Bat Series is made from flexible, depend
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Louisville Baseball Bat Louisville Slugger Slugger Legacy Legacy Series Series 5 5 LTE LTE Ash Louisville Slugger Legacy Series Louisville Slugger LTE Ash Louisville Slugger C271 Wood


Louisville Slugger Legacy Series 5 LTE Ash C243 Hornsby Wood Baseball Bat 34 inch
The Louisville Slugger Legacy LTE Ash Wood Bat Series is made from flexible, dependable premium ash wood, and is guaranteed to have a -5 drop or lighter. Despite a lightweight feel, the Legacy LTE maintains all the durability of heavier models with the flexibility you expect from an ash bat. - Series 5 LTE Ash (guaranteed -5 oz.) - Black Finish - C271 Turning Model - Most Balanced Swing Weight - Regular Gloss (barrel) - Cupped                                                              $46.90

he Louisville Slugger Legacy LTE Ash Wood Bat Series is
Louisville Slugger Legacy LTE As
le Slugger Legacy LTE Ash Wood Bat Series is ma
 Louisville Slugger Legacy
lle Slugger Legacy LTE Ash
lle Slugger Legacy LTE Ash Wood Bat Series is made from flexible, dependable premium ash wood, and
 Slugger Legacy LTE Ash Wood Bat Series is made from flexible, dependable premium ash wood, an
 Louisville Slugger Legacy LTE Ash Wood Ba
lugger Legacy LTE Ash Wood Bat Series is made from flexible,
 Louisville Slugger Legacy LTE Ash Wood Bat Series is made from
Louisville Slugger Legacy LTE Ash Wood Bat Series is made from flexib
e Slugger Legacy LTE Ash Wood Bat Series is made from flexible, de
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ugger Legacy LTE Ash Wood Bat Series is made from fle
uisville Slugger Legacy LTE Ash
 Slugger Legacy LTE Ash Wood Bat Series is made from flexible
The Louisville
Louisville Slugger Legacy LTE Ash Wood Bat Series is
 Slugger Legacy LTE
uisville Slugger Legacy LTE Ash Wood Bat Series is made from flexible, dependable premium ash wood,
he Louisville Slugger Legacy LTE Ash Wood Bat Serie
Slugger Legacy LTE Ash Wood Bat Series is ma
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uisville Slugger Legacy LTE Ash Wood Bat Series is made from flexible,
he Louisville Slugger
 Slugger Legacy LTE Ash Wood Bat
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Slugger Legacy LTE Ash Wood Bat Series is made
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The Louisville Slugger Legacy
ville Slugger Legacy LTE Ash Wood Bat Series is made from flexible, dependable premium ash w
Louisville Baseball Bat Louisville Slugger Slugger Legacy Legacy Series Series 5 5 LTE LTE Ash Louisville Slugger Legacy Series Louisville Slugger LTE Ash Louisville Slugger C243 Hornsby


Louisville Slugger Legacy Series 5 LTE Ash C243 Hornsby Wood Baseball Bat 33 inch
The Louisville Slugger legacy LTE ash wood bat Series is made from flexible, dependable premium ash wood, and is guaranteed to have a -3 drop or lighter. Despite a lightweight feel, the legacy LTE maintains all the durability of heavier models with the flexibility you expect from an ash bat. The C243 is the most end-loaded WTLW5A243B1633 in the LTE ash Series. $46.90

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le Slugger legacy LTE ash wood
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e Slugger legacy LTE ash wood bat Series is made from flexi
Louisville Baseball Bat Louisville Slugger Slugger Legacy Legacy Series Series 5 5 LTE LTE Ash Louisville Slugger Legacy Series Louisville Slugger LTE Ash Louisville Slugger C243 Hornsby


Louisville Slugger Legacy Series 5 LTE Ash C243 Hornsby Wood Baseball Bat 32 inch
The Louisville Slugger legacy LTE ash wood bat Series is made from flexible, dependable premium ash wood, and is guaranteed to have a -3 drop or lighter. Despite a lightweight feel, the legacy LTE maintains all the durability of heavier models with the flexibility you expect from an ash bat. The C243 is the most end-loaded WTLW5A243B1633 in the LTE ash Series. $44.95

The Louisville Slugger legacy LTE ash wood bat Series is made fr
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Louisville Slugger legacy LTE ash wood bat Series is made from flexible, dependable premium ash woo
Louisville Baseball Bat Louisville Slugger Slugger Legacy Legacy Series Series 5 5 LTE LTE Ash Louisville Slugger Legacy Series Louisville Slugger LTE Ash Louisville Slugger C243 Hornsby


Louisville Slugger Legacy Series 5 Ash T141 Wood Baseball Bat 32 inch Black Natural
Louisville Slugger Legacy S5 LTE -3 Ash Wood Baseball Bat The Louisville Slugger Legacy LTE Ash Wood Bat Series is made from flexible, dependable premium ash wood, and is guaranteed to have a -5 drop or lighter. Despite a lightweight feel, the Legacy LTE maintains all the durability of heavier models with the flexibility you expect from an ash bat. C271 Wood: Series 5 LTE Ash Finish: Black Turning Model: C271 Swing Weight: Balanced Cupped: Yes T141 Wood: Series 5 LTE Ash Finish: NaturalBlack Turning Model: T141 Swing Weight: Balanced Cupped: Yes $39.95

 Slugger Legacy S5 LTE -3 Ash Wood Baseball Bat The Louisville Slugger Legacy LTE A
ouisville Slugger Legacy S5 LTE -3 Ash Wood Baseball Bat The Louisville Slugger Legacy LTE Ash W
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Louisville Baseball Bat Louisville Slugger Slugger Legacy Legacy Series Series 5 5 Ash Ash T141 Louisville Slugger Legacy Series Louisville Slugger Ash T141 Louisville Slugger Wood Baseball


Louisville Slugger Legacy Series 5 Ash T141 Wood Baseball Bat 31 inch Black Natural
Louisville Slugger Legacy S5 LTE -3 Ash Wood Baseball Bat The Louisville Slugger Legacy LTE Ash Wood Bat Series is made from flexible, dependable premium ash wood, and is guaranteed to have a -5 drop or lighter. Despite a lightweight feel, the Legacy LTE maintains all the durability of heavier models with the flexibility you expect from an ash bat. C271 Wood: Series 5 LTE Ash Finish: Black Turning Model: C271 Swing Weight: Balanced Cupped: Yes T141 Wood: Series 5 LTE Ash Finish: NaturalBlack Turning Model: T141 Swing Weight: Balanced Cupped: Yes $39.95

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lle Slugger Legacy S5 LTE -3 Ash Wood Baseball Bat The Louisville Slugger Legacy LTE Ash Wood Bat
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Louisville Baseball Bat Louisville Slugger Slugger Legacy Legacy Series Series 5 5 Ash Ash T141 Louisville Slugger Legacy Series Louisville Slugger Ash T141 Louisville Slugger Wood Baseball


Louisville Slugger Legacy Series 5 Ash T141 Wood Baseball Bat 30 inch Black Natural
Louisville Slugger Legacy S5 LTE -3 Ash Wood Baseball Bat The Louisville Slugger Legacy LTE Ash Wood Bat Series is made from flexible, dependable premium ash wood, and is guaranteed to have a -5 drop or lighter. Despite a lightweight feel, the Legacy LTE maintains all the durability of heavier models with the flexibility you expect from an ash bat. C271 Wood: Series 5 LTE Ash Finish: Black Turning Model: C271 Swing Weight: Balanced Cupped: Yes T141 Wood: Series 5 LTE Ash Finish: NaturalBlack Turning Model: T141 Swing Weight: Balanced Cupped: Yes $44.95

isville Slugger Legacy S5 LTE -3 Ash Wood Baseball Bat The Louisville
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Louisville Baseball Bat Louisville Slugger Slugger Legacy Legacy Series Series 5 5 Ash Ash T141 Louisville Slugger Legacy Series Louisville Slugger Ash T141 Louisville Slugger Wood Baseball


Louisville Slugger Legacy Series 5 LTE Ash C271 Unfinished Baseball Bat 34
The Louisville Slugger Legacy LTE Ash Wood Bat Series is made from flexible, dependable premium ash wood, and is guaranteed to have a -3 drop or lighter. Despite a lightweight feel, the Legacy LTE maintains all the durability of heavier models with the flexibility you expect from an ash bat. - Series 5 LTE Ash (guaranteed -3 oz.) - Split Unfinished and Flame - C271 Turning Model - Most Balanced Swing Weight - Regular Gloss (barrel) - Cupped                                                              $47.90

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he Louisville Slugger Legacy LTE Ash Wood Bat Series is made from flexible, dependable premium as
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Louisville Baseball Bat Louisville Slugger Slugger Legacy Legacy Series Series 5 5 LTE LTE Ash Louisville Slugger Legacy Series Louisville Slugger LTE Ash Louisville Slugger C271 Unfinished


Louisville Slugger Legacy Series 5 LTE Ash C271 Unfinished Baseball Bat 33
The Louisville Slugger Legacy LTE Ash Wood Bat Series is made from flexible, dependable premium ash wood, and is guaranteed to have a -3 drop or lighter. Despite a lightweight feel, the Legacy LTE maintains all the durability of heavier models with the flexibility you expect from an ash bat. - Series 5 LTE Ash (guaranteed -3 oz.) - Split Unfinished and Flame - C271 Turning Model - Most Balanced Swing Weight - Regular Gloss (barrel) - Cupped                                                              $45.95

gger Legacy LTE Ash Wood Bat Series is
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The Louisville Slugger Legacy LTE Ash Wood Bat Series is made from flexible, dependable prem
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Louisville Baseball Bat Louisville Slugger Slugger Legacy Legacy Series Series 5 5 LTE LTE Ash Louisville Slugger Legacy Series Louisville Slugger LTE Ash Louisville Slugger C271 Unfinished


Louisville Slugger Legacy Series 5 LTE Ash C271 Unfinished Baseball Bat 32
Louisville Slugger Legacy LTE Ash Wood Bat Series is made from flexible, dependable premium ash wood, and is guaranteed to have a -3 drop or lighter. Despite a lightweight feel, the Legacy LTE maintains all the durability of heavier models with the flexibility you expect from an ash bat. - Series 5 LTE Ash (guaranteed -3 oz.) - Split Unfinished and Flame - C271 Turning Model - Most Balanced Swing Weight - Regular Gloss (barrel) - Cupped                                                              $47.90

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Legacy LTE Ash Wood Bat Series is made from flexible, dependable premium ash wood, and is guar
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ville Slugger Legacy LTE Ash Wood Bat Series is made from flexible, dependable premium ash
Louisville Baseball Bat Louisville Slugger Slugger Legacy Legacy Series Series 5 5 LTE LTE Ash Louisville Slugger Legacy Series Louisville Slugger LTE Ash Louisville Slugger C271 Unfinished

GFN1151B1RD-Right Handed Throw

Mizuno Franchise Series GFN1151B1 Red Baseball Glove 11.5 inch Right Hand Throw
Java Leather: Pre-oiled, tumbled leather that is game ready and long lasting. HiLo Lacing: Alternating lace pattern retains the integrity of a fully laced web with greater flexibility. Parashock Plus Palm Pad: Ortholite parashock palm pad reduces sting and deadens the ball at impact. PalmSoft Palm Liner: Padded pigskin palm liner for increased feel and comfort. MZO Lining: Disperses perspiration away from the skin. PST Back Design: Insert in between fingers stabilizes and shapes the pocket. 11.50" Infield Pattern Deep III Web $59.95

Mizuno Baseball Glove Mizuno Franchise Franchise Series Series GFN1151B1 GFN1151B1 Red Red Baseball Baseball Glove Mizuno Franchise Series GFN1151B1 Mizuno Franchise Baseball Glove Mizuno Franchise 11.5 inch