JL Glove

JL Glove

Home JL-Glove


JL Glove Co First Base Mitt AD21 12.75 Inch H Web Black Tan Right Hand Throw
The AD21 has a huge neutral surface for picks with a wildly deep pocket makes the AD21 an unstoppable tool on and around the bag. J.L. Glove Company combines beautiful design, professional quality material and demanding performance rigors to make the best baseball gloves available to competitive players. Founded and based in Austin, Texas. The gloves are constructed from select American Kip leather chrome tanned in Japan. Fur wrist liner for comfort and moisture management. The J.L. Glove Company started with a vision shared by brothers Jeremy and Tyson Spring, two men raised in love with the game of baseball, obsessive about design that makes the game more beautiful, the player more confident, and the outs more plentiful. J.L. Glove Company are players, coaches, parents, designers, and baseball men. The J.L. Glove Company motto is 27 Outs. Go Get One. $219.95

 huge neutral surface for picks with a wildly deep pocket makes the AD21 an unstoppable tool o
21 has a huge neutral surface for picks with a wildly d
21 has a huge neutral surface for picks with a wildly deep pocket makes the
 has a huge neutral surface for picks with a wildly deep pocket makes the AD21 an unstoppabl
e neutral surface for picks with
1 has a huge neutral surface for picks with a wildly
AD21 has a huge neutral surface for picks with a wildly de
 AD21 has a huge neutral surface for picks with a wildly deep pocket makes the AD21 an
s a huge neutral surface for picks w
e neutral surface f
e neutral surface for picks with a wildly deep pocket makes the AD
ge neutral surface for picks with a wildly deep poc
huge neutral surface for picks with a wildly deep pocket makes the AD21 an unstoppable tool o
JL Glove Glove Co Co First First Base Base Mitt Mitt AD21 JL Glove Co First JL Glove Mitt AD21 JL Glove 12.75 Inch


JL Glove Co Catchers Mitt BK11 33.5 Inch Black Tan Right Hand Throw
The J.L. Glove Company combines beautiful design, professional quality material and demanding performance rigors to make the best baseball gloves available to competitive players. Founded and based in Austin, Texas. The gloves are constructed from select American Kip leather chrome tanned in Japan. Fur wrist liner for comfort and moisture management. The J.L. Glove Company started with a vision shared by brothers Jeremy and Tyson Spring, two men raised in love with the game of baseball, obsessive about design that makes the game more beautiful, the player more confident, and the outs more plentiful. J.L. Glove Company are players, coaches, parents, designers, and baseball men. The J.L. Glove Company motto is 27 Outs. Go Get One. $219.95

J.L. Glove Company combines beautiful design, professional quality material and demanding perfo
pany combines beautiful design, professional quality material and demanding performance
e Company combines beautiful design,
 Company combines beautifu
.L. Glove Company combines beautiful design, pr
e Company combines beautiful design, professional quality material and demand
ve Company combines
he J.L. Glove Company combines beautiful design, professional quality material and demand
. Glove Compa
love Company comb
any combines beautiful design, professional quality material and demanding p
ve Company combines beautiful design, profession
mpany combines beautiful design, professional quality material and demanding perform
JL Glove Glove Co Co Catchers Catchers Mitt Mitt BK11 BK11 33.5 JL Glove Co Catchers JL Glove BK11 33.5 JL Glove Inch Black


JL Glove Co Baseball Glove SO01 I Web 11.5 Inch Black Tan Right Hand Throw
The SO 01 has a shallow pocket depth with broad neutrality in the heel. SO01 is a great choice for the mid infielder with lightning hands. J.L. Glove Company combines beautiful design, professional quality material and demanding performance rigors to make the best baseball gloves available to competitive players. Founded and based in Austin, Texas. The gloves are constructed from select American Kip leather chrome tanned in Japan. Fur wrist liner for comfort and moisture management. The J.L. Glove Company started with a vision shared by brothers Jeremy and Tyson Spring, two men raised in love with the game of baseball, obsessive about design that makes the game more beautiful, the player more confident, and the outs more plentiful. J.L. Glove Company are players, coaches, parents, designers, and baseball men. The J.L. Glove Company motto is 27 Outs. Go Get One. $219.95

e SO 01 h
as a shallow pocket depth with broad neutrality in the heel. SO01 is a great c
 01 has a shallow pocket depth with broad neutrality in the heel.
s a shal
e SO 01 has a shallow pocket depth
has a shallow pocket depth with broad neutra
llow pocket depth with broad neutrality in the heel. SO01 is a great choice for the mid infielder
 has a shallow pocket depth with broad neutrality in the heel. SO01 is a great choice
allow pocket depth with broad neut
 has a shallow pocket depth with broad neutrality in the heel. SO01 i
e SO 01 has a shallow pocket depth with broad neutrali
hallow pocket depth with broad neutrali
JL Baseball Glove JL Glove Glove Co Co Baseball Baseball Glove Glove SO01 SO01 I JL Glove Co Baseball JL Glove SO01 I JL Glove Web 11.5


Joe Lee JLK Series 11.5 Cross Web Baseball Glove Carmel Right Hand Throw
Soft Preimum Leather Tennessee Tanning Company's leather Laces   JOE LEE History Starting with the establishment of President Lee Kwang-joe's baseball glove factory in Busan in 1967, the history of Korean baseball gloves began. After he left us, there were difficult times due to the advancement of the Chinese manufacturing industry, the IMF financial crisis, and COVID-19, but the family that supported CEO Lee Kwang Joe's willingness to produce global baseball gloves and the employees who grew up as senior craftsmen became families of Kimhae Industrial.  JOE LEE began in his honor in 1990 when he left us. His spirit runs from Joe to wife and from wife to son, and his son founded JOE LEE Sports in 2022.  JOE LEE baseball gloves are loved by many famous professional players for their excellence in quality.   $219.95

imum Leather Tennessee T
Preimum Leather Tennessee Tanning Companys leather Laces &nbs
 Soft Preimum Leather Tennesse
m L
reimum Leather Tennessee Tanning Companys leather Laces   JOE LEE History Starting with the
 Soft Preimum Leather Tennessee Tan
reimum Leather Tennesse
m Leather Tennessee Tanning Companys leather Laces   JOE LEE Hist
imum Leather Tennessee Tanning Companys leather Laces   JOE LE
imum Leather Tennessee Tanning Companys leather Lace
mum Leather Tennessee Tanning Companys leather Laces   JOE LEE History Starting with th
ther Tennessee Tanning Companys leather Laces
oft Preimum Leather Tennessee Tanning Companys leather Laces   JOE LEE History Starting
her Tennessee Tanning Companys leather Laces   JOE LEE History Starting with the
 Soft Preimum Leather Tennessee Tanning Companys leather Laces   JO
Joe Baseball Glove Joe Lee Lee JLK JLK Series Series 11.5 11.5 Cross Cross Web Joe Lee JLK Series Joe Lee Cross Web Joe Lee Baseball Glove


Joe Lee JLK Series 11.5 Cross Web Baseball Glove Tan Right Hand Throw
Soft Premium Leather Tennessee Tanning Company's leather Laces   JOE LEE History Starting with the establishment of President Lee Kwang-joe's baseball glove factory in Busan in 1967, the history of Korean baseball gloves began. After he left us, there were difficult times due to the advancement of the Chinese manufacturing industry, the IMF financial crisis, and COVID-19, but the family that supported CEO Lee Kwang Joe's willingness to produce global baseball gloves and the employees who grew up as senior craftsmen became families of Kimhae Industrial.  JOE LEE began in his honor in 1990 when he left us. His spirit runs from Joe to wife and from wife to son, and his son founded JOE LEE Sports in 2022.  JOE LEE baseball gloves are loved by many famous professional players for their excellence in quality.   $219.95

 Premium Leather Tennessee Tanning Companys leather Laces   JOE
ft Premium Leather Tennessee Tanning Companys leather Laces  
t Premium Leather Tennessee
ium Leather Tennessee Tanning Companys leather Laces
Soft Premium Leather Tennessee Tan
ther Tennessee Tanning Com
Soft Premium Leather Tennessee Ta
um Leat
ather Tennessee Tanning Companys
emium Leather Tennessee Tanning Company
Leather Tennessee Tanning Companys leather Laces   JOE LEE History Sta
 Leather Tennessee T
t Premium Leathe
Premium Leather Tennessee Tanning Companys
mium Leath
her Tennessee Tanning Companys leather Laces   JOE LEE History Starting wi
um Leather Tennessee Tanning Companys leather Laces   JOE LEE Hist
Joe Baseball Glove Joe Lee Lee JLK JLK Series Series 11.5 11.5 Cross Cross Web Joe Lee JLK Series Joe Lee Cross Web Joe Lee Baseball Glove


Joe Lee JLN Series 11.5 Cross Web Baseball Glove Tan Right Hand Throw
Japan Premium Leather Tennessee Tanning Company's leather Laces   JOE LEE History Starting with the establishment of President Lee Kwang-joe's baseball glove factory in Busan in 1967, the history of Korean baseball gloves began. After he left us, there were difficult times due to the advancement of the Chinese manufacturing industry, the IMF financial crisis, and COVID-19, but the family that supported CEO Lee Kwang Joe's willingness to produce global baseball gloves and the employees who grew up as senior craftsmen became families of Kimhae Industrial.  JOE LEE began in his honor in 1990 when he left us. His spirit runs from Joe to wife and from wife to son, and his son founded JOE LEE Sports in 2022.  JOE LEE baseball gloves are loved by many famous professional players for their excellence in quality.   $299.95

Japan Premium Leather Tennessee Tanning Companys leather Laces   JOE LEE History Start
her Tennessee Tanning Companys leathe
apan Premium Leather Tennessee Tanning Companys leather Laces
eather Tennessee Tanning Companys leather Laces  
ther Tennessee Tanning Companys leather Laces   JOE LEE History Starting with the establish
Japan Premium Leather Tennessee Tanning Companys leather Laces   JOE LEE
emium Leather Tennessee Ta
ium Leather Tennessee Tanning Companys leather Laces   JOE LEE History Starting with the est
ather Tennessee Tanning C
um Leather Tennessee Tanning Companys leather La
um Leather
um Leather Tennessee
 Japan Pr
 Japan Premium Leather Ten
her Tennessee Tanning Companys leather Laces   JOE LEE History
emium Leather Tennessee Tanning
mium Leather Tennessee Tanning Companys leather Lace
Joe Baseball Glove Joe Lee Lee JLN JLN Series Series 11.5 11.5 Cross Cross Web Joe Lee JLN Series Joe Lee Cross Web Joe Lee Baseball Glove


JL Glove Co Baseball Glove DR03 I-Web 11.5 Inch 0622 Right Hand Throw
J.L. Glove Company combines beautiful design, professional quality material and demanding performance rigors to make the best baseball gloves available to competitive players. Founded and based in Austin, Texas. The gloves are constructed from select American Kip leather chrome tanned in Japan. Fur wrist liner for comfort and moisture management. The DR 03 has a medium-deep pocket depth that makes for a perfect glove around the field. The DR 03 features a medium depth pocket. With a true thumb to pinky close, the DR03 allows the rangy player to size up and still enjoy a nimble ball transfer around the infield. The J.L. Glove Company started with a vision shared by brothers Jeremy and Tyson Spring, two men raised in love with the game of baseball, obsessive about design that makes the game more beautiful, the player more confident, and the outs more plentiful. J.L. Glove Company are players, coaches, parents, designers, and baseball men. The J.L. Glove Company motto is 27 Outs. Go get One. $219.95

. Glove Company combines beautiful design, professional quality material a
Company combines beautiful design, professional quality material a
ove Company combines beautiful design, professional quality material and demanding p
Glove Company combines beautiful design, professional quality material and de
any combines beautiful design, professional qua
. Glove Company co
L. Glove C
mpany combines beautiful design, professional quality material and demanding performance rigors
 Company combines beautiful de
any combines beautiful design,
JL Baseball Glove JL Glove Glove Co Co Baseball Baseball Glove Glove DR03 DR03 I-Web JL Glove Co Baseball JL Glove DR03 I-Web JL Glove 11.5 Inch


JL Glove Co Baseball Glove DR03 Single Post 12 Inch 0622 Right Hand Throw
J.L. Glove Company combines beautiful design, professional quality material and demanding performance rigors to make the best baseball gloves available to competitive players. Founded and based in Austin, Texas. The gloves are constructed from select American Kip leather chrome tanned in Japan. Fur wrist liner for comfort and moisture management. The DR 03 has a medium-deep pocket depth that makes for a perfect glove around the field. The DR 03 features a medium depth pocket. With a true thumb to pinky close, the DR03 allows the rangy player to size up and still enjoy a nimble ball transfer around the infield. The J.L. Glove Company started with a vision shared by brothers Jeremy and Tyson Spring, two men raised in love with the game of baseball, obsessive about design that makes the game more beautiful, the player more confident, and the outs more plentiful. J.L. Glove Company are players, coaches, parents, designers, and baseball men. The J.L. Glove Company motto is 27 Outs. Go get One. $219.95

pany combines beautiful
mpany combines beautiful design, professi
pany c
Company combines beautiful design, profess
Company co
any combines beautiful design, professional quality material
 Company combines beautiful design,
y combines beautiful design, professional quality material and demanding performance rigo
 Glove Company combines beautiful design, professional quality material and
ny combines beautiful design, professional quality mat
love Company combi
. Glove Company combines beautiful design, professional q
combines beautiful design, professional quality material and demanding performance r
y combines beautiful design, professional quality material and demanding performance rigor
 Glove Company combines beautiful design, professional quality
JL Baseball Glove JL Glove Glove Co Co Baseball Baseball Glove Glove DR03 DR03 Single JL Glove Co Baseball JL Glove DR03 Single JL Glove Post 12


JL Glove Co Baseball Glove SO01 I Web 11.5 Inch 0622 Right Hand Throw
SO 01 has a shallow pocket depth with broad neutrality in the heel. SO01 is a great choice for the mid infielder with lightning hands. J.L. Glove Company combines beautiful design, professional quality material and demanding performance rigors to make the best baseball gloves available to competitive players. Founded and based in Austin, Texas. The gloves are constructed from select American Kip leather chrome tanned in Japan. Fur wrist liner for comfort and moisture management. The J.L. Glove Company started with a vision shared by brothers Jeremy and Tyson Spring, two men raised in love with the game of baseball, obsessive about design that makes the game more beautiful, the player more confident, and the outs more plentiful. J.L. Glove Company are players, coaches, parents, designers, and baseball men. The J.L. Glove Company motto is 27 Outs. Go Get One. $219.95

shallow pocket depth with broad neutrality in th
 01 has a shallow pocket depth with broad neutrality in the heel.
a shallow pocket depth with broad ne
allow pocket depth with broad neutra
as a shallow pocket dept
1 has a shallow pock
low pocket depth with broad neutrality in the heel. SO01 is a great choice for the mid
allow pocket depth with broad neutrality in the heel. SO01 is a great ch
a shallow pocket depth with broad neut
has a shallow pocket depth
low pocket depth with broad neutralit
hallow pocket depth with broad neutrality in t
 a shallow pocket depth with broad neutrality
 01 has a
1 has a shallow pocket depth with broad neutrality in the he
 pocket depth with broad neutrality in the heel. SO01 is a great choice for the mid
 shallow pocket depth w
JL Baseball Glove JL Glove Glove Co Co Baseball Baseball Glove Glove SO01 SO01 I JL Glove Co Baseball JL Glove SO01 I JL Glove Web 11.5


JL Glove Co Baseball Glove DLH42 H Web 12.75 Inch 0522 Right Hand Throw
The DLH-42 is where gappers get run down. Super deep pocket built for the rangy outfielder. If you play in the grass, this is the glove for you. J.L. Glove Company combines beautiful design, professional quality material and demanding performance rigors to make the best baseball gloves available to competitive players. Founded and based in Austin, Texas. The gloves are constructed from select American Kip leather chrome tanned in Japan. Fur wrist liner for comfort and moisture management. The J.L. Glove Company started with a vision shared by brothers Jeremy and Tyson Spring, two men raised in love with the game of baseball, obsessive about design that makes the game more beautiful, the player more confident, and the outs more plentiful. J.L. Glove Company are players, coaches, parents, designers, and baseball men. The J.L. Glove Company motto is 27 Outs. Go Get One. $219.95

re gappers get run down. Super deep pocket built for
 DLH-42 is where gappers get run down. Super deep pocket built for the rangy outfiel
here gappers get run down. Super deep pocket built for the r
 where gappers get run down. Super deep pocket built for the ran
LH-42 is where gappers get run down. Supe
is where gappers get run down. Super de
where gappers ge
where gappers get run down. Su
 gappers get run down. Super deep pocket built for the r
LH-42 is where gappers get run down. Super deep pock
 is where gappers
ere gappers get run
s where gappers get run down. Super deep pocket
JL Baseball Glove JL Glove Glove Co Co Baseball Baseball Glove Glove DLH42 DLH42 H JL Glove Co Baseball JL Glove DLH42 H JL Glove Web 12.75


JL Glove Co Baseball Glove RA08 Closed Trap Web 11.75 Inch 0522 Right Hand Throw
The RA08 is the ultimate utility player. Medium plus depth makes this RA08 a perfect glove for the infielder who like a little more pocket depth. It can also roam the grass. J.L. Glove Company combines beautiful design, professional quality material and demanding performance rigors to make the best baseball gloves available to competitive players. Founded and based in Austin, Texas. The gloves are constructed from select American Kip leather chrome tanned in Japan. Fur wrist liner for comfort and moisture management. The J.L. Glove Company started with a vision shared by brothers Jeremy and Tyson Spring, two men raised in love with the game of baseball, obsessive about design that makes the game more beautiful, the player more confident, and the outs more plentiful. J.L. Glove Company are players, coaches, parents, designers, and baseball men. The J.L. Glove Company motto is 27 Outs. Go Get One. $209.95

8 is the ult
is the ultimate utility player. Medium plus depth m
e ultimate
ltimate utility player. Medium plus depth makes this
ultimate utility player.
he RA08 is the ultimate utility player. Medium plus depth makes
ltimate utility player. Medium plus depth makes this RA08 a perfect glove for the
8 is the ultimate utility player. Medium plus depth m
 ultimate utility player. Med
 ultimate utility player. Med
JL Baseball Glove JL Glove Glove Co Co Baseball Baseball Glove Glove RA08 RA08 Closed JL Glove Co Baseball JL Glove RA08 Closed JL Glove Trap Web


JL Glove Co Baseball Glove DR03 One Piece Web 12 Inch 0522 Right Hand Throw
J.L. Glove Company combines beautiful design, professional quality material and demanding performance rigors to make the best baseball gloves available to competitive players. Founded and based in Austin, Texas. The gloves are constructed from select American Kip leather chrome tanned in Japan. Fur wrist liner for comfort and moisture management. The DR 03 has a medium-deep pocket depth that makes for a perfect glove around the field. The DR 03 features a medium depth pocket. With a true thumb to pinky close, the DR03 allows the rangy player to size up and still enjoy a nimble ball transfer around the infield. The J.L. Glove Company started with a vision shared by brothers Jeremy and Tyson Spring, two men raised in love with the game of baseball, obsessive about design that makes the game more beautiful, the player more confident, and the outs more plentiful. J.L. Glove Company are players, coaches, parents, designers, and baseball men. The J.L. Glove Company motto is 27 Outs. Go get One. $209.95

y combines beautiful design, professional
ompany combines be
ove Company combines beautiful de
ompany combines beautiful desi
ove Company combines beautiful design, professi
. Glo
love Company com
ve Company c
J.L. Glove Company combines beautiful design, profession
y combines be
Company combines beautiful design, professional quality material and de
pany combines beautiful design, professional quality material and demanding performance rigors
 Glove Company combines beautiful design, professional quality mater
JL Baseball Glove JL Glove Glove Co Co Baseball Baseball Glove Glove DR03 DR03 One JL Glove Co Baseball JL Glove DR03 One JL Glove Piece Web


JL Glove Co Baseball Glove DR03 I-Web 11.5 Inch 0522 Right Hand Throw
J.L. Glove Company combines beautiful design, professional quality material and demanding performance rigors to make the best baseball gloves available to competitive players. Founded and based in Austin, Texas. The gloves are constructed from select American Kip leather chrome tanned in Japan. Fur wrist liner for comfort and moisture management. The DR 03 has a medium-deep pocket depth that makes for a perfect glove around the field. The DR 03 features a medium depth pocket. With a true thumb to pinky close, the DR03 allows the rangy player to size up and still enjoy a nimble ball transfer around the infield. The J.L. Glove Company started with a vision shared by brothers Jeremy and Tyson Spring, two men raised in love with the game of baseball, obsessive about design that makes the game more beautiful, the player more confident, and the outs more plentiful. J.L. Glove Company are players, coaches, parents, designers, and baseball men. The J.L. Glove Company motto is 27 Outs. Go get One. $219.95

 combines beautiful design, professional quality material and demanding perfor
ny combines beautiful design, professional quality material and demanding perfo
L. Glove Company combines
ove Company combines beautiful design, professional quality material
L. Glove Company combines beautiful d
. Glove Company combines beautiful design, professional quality material and demanding perf
 Glove Company combines beautiful design, professional quality material and dema
L. Glove Company combines beautiful
y combines beaut
ompany combines beautiful
L. Glove Company combines beau
JL Baseball Glove JL Glove Glove Co Co Baseball Baseball Glove Glove DR03 DR03 I-Web JL Glove Co Baseball JL Glove DR03 I-Web JL Glove 11.5 Inch


JL Glove Co Baseball Glove SO01 Single Post 11.5 Inch 0522 Right Hand Throw
SO 01 has a shallow pocket depth with broad neutrality in the heel. SO01 is a great choice for the mid infielder with lightning hands. J.L. Glove Company combines beautiful design, professional quality material and demanding performance rigors to make the best baseball gloves available to competitive players. Founded and based in Austin, Texas. The gloves are constructed from select American Kip leather  chrome tanned in Japan. Fur wrist liner for comfort and moisture management. The J.L. Glove Company started with a vision shared by brothers Jeremy and Tyson Spring, two men raised in love with the game of baseball, obsessive about design that makes the game more beautiful, the player more confident, and the outs more plentiful. J.L. Glove Company are players, coaches, parents, designers, and baseball men. The J.L. Glove Company motto is 27 Outs. Go Get One. $209.95

 has a shallow pocket depth with broad neutrality in the heel. SO01 is a great
w pocket depth with broad neutrality in the heel. SO01
low pocket depth wit
allow pocket depth with broad neutrality in the heel. SO01 is a gr
s a shallow pocket depth with broad neutral
w po
shallow pocket depth with br
 pocket depth wit
 pocket depth with broad neutrality in the heel. SO01 is a
 shallow pocket depth with broad neutrality in the heel. SO01 is
llow pocket dep
JL Baseball Glove JL Glove Glove Co Co Baseball Baseball Glove Glove SO01 SO01 Single JL Glove Co Baseball JL Glove SO01 Single JL Glove Post 11.5


JL Glove Co Baseball Glove SO01 I Web 11.5 Inch 0522 Right Hand Throw
SO 01 has a shallow pocket depth with broad neutrality in the heel. SO01 is a great choice for the mid infielder with lightning hands. J.L. Glove Company combines beautiful design, professional quality material and demanding performance rigors to make the best baseball gloves available to competitive players. Founded and based in Austin, Texas. The gloves are constructed from select American Kip leather chrome tanned in Japan. Fur wrist liner for comfort and moisture management. The J.L. Glove Company started with a vision shared by brothers Jeremy and Tyson Spring, two men raised in love with the game of baseball, obsessive about design that makes the game more beautiful, the player more confident, and the outs more plentiful. J.L. Glove Company are players, coaches, parents, designers, and baseball men. The J.L. Glove Company motto is 27 Outs. Go Get One. $219.95

 has a shallow pocket depth with broad neutrality in the heel. SO01 is a great choice for the m
1 has a shallow pocket depth with broad neutrality in the he
s a shallow pocket depth
 01 has a sha
1 has a shallo
 has a shallow pocket depth with broad neutrality in the h
ow pocket depth with broad neutrality in the heel. SO01 is a great choice for t
1 has a shallow pocket depth with broa
w pocket depth with broad neutrality in the heel. SO
 a shallow pocket depth with broad neutrality in the heel. SO01 i
a shallow pocket depth with broad neutrality in the heel. SO01 is a great choice for the mid
JL Baseball Glove JL Glove Glove Co Co Baseball Baseball Glove Glove SO01 SO01 I JL Glove Co Baseball JL Glove SO01 I JL Glove Web 11.5


JL Glove Co Baseball Glove SO01 H Web 11.5 Inch 0522 Right Hand Throw
SO 01 has a shallow pocket depth with broad neutrality in the heel. SO01 is a great choice for the mid infielder with lightning hands. J.L. Glove Company combines beautiful design, professional quality material and demanding performance rigors to make the best baseball gloves available to competitive players. Founded and based in Austin, Texas. The gloves are constructed from select American Kip Leather chrome tanned in Japan. Fur wrist liner for comfort and moisture management. The J.L. Glove Company started with a vision shared by brothers Jeremy and Tyson Spring, two men raised in love with the game of baseball, obsessive about design that makes the game more beautiful, the player more confident, and the outs more plentiful. J.L. Glove Company are players, coaches, parents, designers, and baseball men. The J.L. Glove Company motto is 27 Outs. Go Get One. $219.95

shallow pocket depth with broad neutrality in the heel. SO01 is
01 has a shallow pocket depth with broad neutrality in the heel. SO01 is a gre
allow pocket depth with bro
as a shallow pocket depth with broad neutrality in the heel. SO01 is a gr
hallow pocket depth with broad n
has a shallow pocket
s a shallow pock
01 has a shallow pocket depth with broad neutrality in the heel.
SO 01 has a shallow pocke
1 has a shallow pocket depth with broad neutral
 pocket depth with broad
 has a shallow pocket depth with broad neutrality in the heel. SO01 is a great ch
llow pocket depth with broad neutrality in the heel. SO01 is a great choice for th
JL Baseball Glove JL Glove Glove Co Co Baseball Baseball Glove Glove SO01 SO01 H JL Glove Co Baseball JL Glove SO01 H JL Glove Web 11.5


JL Glove Co Baseball Glove SO01 I-Trap Web 11.5 Inch 0522 Right Hand Throw
SO 01 has a shallow pocket depth with broad neutrality in the heel. SO01 is a great choice for the mid infielder with lightning hands. J.L. Glove Company combines beautiful design, professional quality material and demanding performance rigors to make the best baseball gloves available to competitive players. Founded and based in Austin, Texas. The gloves are constructed from select American Kip leather chrome tanned in Japan. Fur wrist liner for comfort and moisture management. The J.L. Glove Company started with a vision shared by brothers Jeremy and Tyson Spring, two men raised in love with the game of baseball, obsessive about design that makes the game more beautiful, the player more confident, and the outs more plentiful. J.L. Glove Company are players, coaches, parents, designers, and baseball men. The J.L. Glove Company motto is 27 Outs. Go Get One. $219.95

shallow pocket depth with broad neutrality in t
1 has
has a shallow po
as a shallow pocket depth with broad neutrality in the heel. SO0
low po
01 has a shallow pocket depth with broad neutralit
01 has a shallow pocket depth with broad neutrality in the heel. SO01 is a great choice for the
w pocket depth with broad neutrality in the heel. SO01 is a great choice for the mi
a shallow pocket depth with broad neutrality in the heel. SO01 is a gr
 a shallow pocket dep
 shallow pocket depth with broad neutrality in the h
has a shallow pocket depth with broad neutrality in the heel. SO01 is a g
JL Baseball Glove JL Glove Glove Co Co Baseball Baseball Glove Glove SO01 SO01 I-Trap JL Glove Co Baseball JL Glove SO01 I-Trap JL Glove Web 11.5


JL Glove Co Baseball Glove SO01 One Piece Web 11 Inch 0522 Right Hand Throw
SO 01 has a shallow pocket depth with broad neutrality in the heel. SO01 is a great choice for the mid infielder with lightning hands. J.L. Glove Company combines beautiful design, professional quality material and demanding performance rigors to make the best baseball gloves available to competitive players. Founded and based in Austin, Texas. The gloves are constructed from select American Kip leather chrome tanned in Japan. Fur wrist liner for comfort and moisture management. The J.L. Glove Company started with a vision shared by brothers Jeremy and Tyson Spring, two men raised in love with the game of baseball, obsessive about design that makes the game more beautiful, the player more confident, and the outs more plentiful. J.L. Glove Company are players, coaches, parents, designers, and baseball men. The J.L. Glove Company motto is 27 Outs. Go Get One. $219.95

llow pocket d
s a shallow pocket depth with broad neutrality in the heel. SO01 is a
 a shallow
1 has a shallow pocket depth with broad neutrality in the heel. SO01 is a great ch
low pocket depth with broad neutrality in
ow pocket depth
 01 has a shallow pocket depth with broad neut
a shallow pocket depth with broad neutrality in the heel. SO01 is a great choice fo
O 01 has a shallow pocket depth with broad neutrality in the heel. SO
 a shallow pocket depth with
 shallow pocket depth with broad neutrality in the heel. SO01 is a great choice for t
 01 has a shallow pocket depth with broad neutrality in the
 a shallow pocket depth with br
as a shallow pocket depth with bro
s a shallow pocket depth with broad ne
 a shallow pocket depth with broad neutrality
JL Baseball Glove JL Glove Glove Co Co Baseball Baseball Glove Glove SO01 SO01 One JL Glove Co Baseball JL Glove SO01 One JL Glove Piece Web


JL Glove Co Baseball Glove SO01 One Piece Web 11.25 Inch 0522 Right Hand Throw
SO 01 has a shallow pocket depth with broad neutrality in the heel. SO01 is a great choice for the mid infielder with lightning hands. J.L. Glove Company combines beautiful design, professional quality material and demanding performance rigors to make the best baseball gloves available to competitive players. Founded and based in Austin, Texas. The gloves are constructed from select American Kip leather chrome tanned in Japan. Fur wrist liner for comfort and moisture management. The J.L. Glove Company started with a vision shared by brothers Jeremy and Tyson Spring, two men raised in love with the game of baseball, obsessive about design that makes the game more beautiful, the player more confident, and the outs more plentiful. J.L. Glove Company are players, coaches, parents, designers, and baseball men. The J.L. Glove Company motto is 27 Outs. Go Get One. $219.95

as a shallow pocket depth with broad neutrality in the
O 01 has a shallow pocket depth with broad neutrality in the heel. SO0
01 has a shallow pocket depth with broad ne
a shallow pocket depth with broad neutrality in the heel. SO01 is a great
s a shallow pocket depth with broad
as a shallow p
1 has a shallow pocket depth wit
w pocket depth with broad neutrality in the heel. SO01 is a great choice for the mid infielder with
s a shallow poc
01 has a shallow pocket depth with broad neut
s a shallow pocket depth with broad neutrality in the heel. SO01 is a great choi
ow pocket depth with broad neutrality in the heel. SO01 is a great
O 01 has a shallow pocket depth with broad neutrality in the heel. SO01 is a great c
JL Baseball Glove JL Glove Glove Co Co Baseball Baseball Glove Glove SO01 SO01 One JL Glove Co Baseball JL Glove SO01 One JL Glove Piece Web


JL Glove Co Baseball Glove RA08 H Web 12 Inch 0522 Right Hand Throw
The RA08 is the ultimate utility player. Medium plus depth makes this RA08 a perfect glove for the infielder who like a little more pocket depth. It can also roam the grass. J.L. Glove Company combines beautiful design, professional quality material and demanding performance rigors to make the best baseball gloves available to competitive players. Founded and based in Austin, Texas. The gloves are constructed from select American Kip leather chrome tanned in Japan. Fur wrist liner for comfort and moisture management. The J.L. Glove Company started with a vision shared by brothers Jeremy and Tyson Spring, two men raised in love with the game of baseball, obsessive about design that makes the game more beautiful, the player more confident, and the outs more plentiful. J.L. Glove Company are players, coaches, parents, designers, and baseball men. The J.L. Glove Company motto is 27 Outs. Go Get One. $209.95

A08 is the ultimate utility
timate utility player. Medium plus depth makes this RA08 a perfect glove for the infielder who li
RA08 is the ultimate utility player. Medium plus depth makes thi
 is the ultimate utility player. Medium plus depth makes this
 ultimate utility play
ltimate utility player. Medium plus depth makes this RA08 a perfect glove fo
RA08 is the ultimate utility player. Medium plus depth makes this RA08 a pe
8 is the ultimate utility player. Mediu
ltimate utility player. Medium plus depth makes this RA08 a perfect glove for the infielde
ultimate utility player. Medium plus depth makes this RA08 a perfect glove for t
the ultimate utility player. Medium plus depth makes this
 RA08 is the ultimate utility player. Medium plus depth makes this R
s the ultimate utility
JL Baseball Glove JL Glove Glove Co Co Baseball Baseball Glove Glove RA08 RA08 H JL Glove Co Baseball JL Glove RA08 H JL Glove Web 12


JL Glove Co Baseball Glove RA08 H Web 11.5 Inch 0522 Right Hand Throw
The RA08 is the ultimate utility player. Medium plus depth makes this RA08 a perfect glove for the infielder who like a little more pocket depth. It can also roam the grass. J.L. Glove Company combines beautiful design, professional quality material and demanding performance rigors to make the best baseball gloves available to competitive players. Founded and based in Austin, Texas. The gloves are constructed from select American Kip leather chrome tanned in Japan. Fur wrist liner for comfort and moisture management. The J.L. Glove Company started with a vision shared by brothers Jeremy and Tyson Spring, two men raised in love with the game of baseball, obsessive about design that makes the game more beautiful, the player more confident, and the outs more plentiful. J.L. Glove Company are players, coaches, parents, designers, and baseball men. The J.L. Glove Company motto is 27 Outs. Go Get One. $219.95

RA08 is the ultimat
 ultimate utility player. Medium plus depth makes this RA08 a perfect glove for the inf
timate utility player. Medium plus depth makes th
 RA08 is the ultimate utility player. Medium plus depth
e RA08 is the ultimate utility player. Medium plus depth makes thi
8 is the ul
timate utility player. Medium plus depth make
the ultimate utility player. Medium plu
A08 is the ultimate utility player. Medium plus depth makes this
ltimate utility player. Mediu
e ultimate utility player. Medium plus depth makes this RA08 a pe
 ultimate utility player. Medium plus depth makes
A08 is the ultimate utility player. Medium plus depth makes this RA08 a perfect glove for
JL Baseball Glove JL Glove Glove Co Co Baseball Baseball Glove Glove RA08 RA08 H JL Glove Co Baseball JL Glove RA08 H JL Glove Web 11.5


JL Glove Co First Base Mitt AD21 12.75 Inch H Web 0522 Right Hand Throw
AD21 has a huge neutral surface for picks with a wildly deep pocket makes the AD21 an unstoppable tool on and around the bag. J.L. Glove Company combines beautiful design, professional quality material and demanding performance rigors to make the best baseball gloves available to competitive players. Founded and based in Austin, Texas. The gloves are constructed from select American Kip leather chrome tanned in Japan. Fur wrist liner for comfort and moisture management. The J.L. Glove Company started with a vision shared by brothers Jeremy and Tyson Spring, two men raised in love with the game of baseball, obsessive about design that makes the game more beautiful, the player more confident, and the outs more plentiful. J.L. Glove Company are players, coaches, parents, designers, and baseball men. The J.L. Glove Company motto is 27 Outs. Go Get One. $219.95

21 has a huge neutral surface for picks wi
D21 has a huge neutral surface for
 a huge neutral surface for picks with a wildly deep pocket ma
21 has a huge neutral sur
 huge neutral surface for picks with a wildly deep pocket mak
eutral surface for picks with a wildly deep pocket m
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 huge neutra
as a huge neutral surface for pic
as a huge neutral surface for picks with a wildly deep pocket makes the AD21 an unstoppab
 a huge neutr
AD21 has a huge neutral surface for picks with a wildly deep
JL Glove Glove Co Co First First Base Base Mitt Mitt AD21 JL Glove Co First JL Glove Mitt AD21 JL Glove 12.75 Inch


JL Glove Co Catchers Mitt BK11 33.5 Inch 0522 Right Hand Throw
J.L. Glove Company combines beautiful design, professional quality material and demanding performance rigors to make the best baseball gloves available to competitive players. Founded and based in Austin, Texas. The gloves are constructed from select American Kip leather chrome tanned in Japan. Fur wrist liner for comfort and moisture management. The J.L. Glove Company started with a vision shared by brothers Jeremy and Tyson Spring, two men raised in love with the game of baseball, obsessive about design that makes the game more beautiful, the player more confident, and the outs more plentiful. J.L. Glove Company are players, coaches, parents, designers, and baseball men. The J.L. Glove Company motto is 27 Outs. Go Get One. $219.95

L. Glove Company combines beautiful design,
. Glove Company combines beautiful design, pro
Glove Company combines beautiful design, professional quality material and
ny combines beautiful desig
any combines beautiful design, professional qu
ny combines beautiful design, professional quality material and d
any combines beautiful design, professional qual
 Glove Company combines beautiful design, professional qua
love Company combines beautiful design, professional quality mate
L. Glove
ny combines beautiful design, professional quality material and
 Glove Company combines beautiful design, professional quality material and dema
ny combines beaut
Glove Company combines beautiful design, professional quality material and demanding perform
JL Glove Glove Co Co Catchers Catchers Mitt Mitt BK11 BK11 33.5 JL Glove Co Catchers JL Glove BK11 33.5 JL Glove Inch 0522


JL Glove Co Baseball Glove DR03 H Web 12 Inch 0522 Right Hand Throw
J.L. Glove Company combines beautiful design, professional quality material and demanding performance rigors to make the best baseball gloves available to competitive players. Founded and based in Austin, Texas. The gloves are constructed from select American Kip leather chrome tanned in Japan. Fur wrist liner for comfort and moisture management. The DR 03 has a medium-deep pocket depth that makes for a perfect glove around the field. The DR 03 features a medium depth pocket. With a true thumb to pinky close, the DR03 allows the rangy player to size up and still enjoy a nimble ball transfer around the infield. The J.L. Glove Company started with a vision shared by brothers Jeremy and Tyson Spring, two men raised in love with the game of baseball, obsessive about design that makes the game more beautiful, the player more confident, and the outs more plentiful. J.L. Glove Company are players, coaches, parents, designers, and baseball men. The J.L. Glove Company motto is 27 Outs. Go get One. $219.95

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Glove Company
ny combines beautiful design, profess
Glove Company combines beautiful design, professional quality material and demanding per
y combines beautiful design, professional quality
pany combines beautiful design, professional qu
y combines beautiful design, profes
love Company combines beaut
pany combines beautiful design, professional quality material and demanding perfor
ove Company combines beautif
J.L. Glove Company combi
ny combines beautiful design, profession
Glove Company combines beautiful design
ove Company combines beautiful design, professional quality material and demanding performance rig
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JL Baseball Glove JL Glove Glove Co Co Baseball Baseball Glove Glove DR03 DR03 H JL Glove Co Baseball JL Glove DR03 H JL Glove Web 12


JL Glove Co Baseball Glove DR03 Single Post 12 Inch 0522 Right Hand Throw
J.L. Glove Company combines beautiful design, professional quality material and demanding performance rigors to make the best baseball gloves available to competitive players. Founded and based in Austin, Texas. The gloves are constructed from select American Kip leather chrome tanned in Japan. Fur wrist liner for comfort and moisture management. The DR 03 has a medium-deep pocket depth that makes for a perfect glove around the field. The DR 03 features a medium depth pocket. With a true thumb to pinky close, the DR03 allows the rangy player to size up and still enjoy a nimble ball transfer around the infield. The J.L. Glove Company started with a vision shared by brothers Jeremy and Tyson Spring, two men raised in love with the game of baseball, obsessive about design that makes the game more beautiful, the player more confident, and the outs more plentiful. J.L. Glove Company are players, coaches, parents, designers, and baseball men. The J.L. Glove Company motto is 27 Outs. Go get One. $219.95

Glove Company combines beaut
 combines beautiful design, professional quality material and demanding performance rigors to m
.L. Glove Company combines beautiful design, professional quality m
ny combines beautiful design, professional quality material and
ompany combines beautiful d
combines beautiful design, professional quality material and demanding performance
 combines beautiful design, professional quality
 Company combines beautiful design, professional quality material and demanding performance ri
ove Company combines beautiful design,
. Glove Company combines beautiful desig
ny combines beautiful design,
JL Baseball Glove JL Glove Glove Co Co Baseball Baseball Glove Glove DR03 DR03 Single JL Glove Co Baseball JL Glove DR03 Single JL Glove Post 12


JL Glove Co Baseball Glove DR03 Two Piece Closed 11.75 Inch 0522 Right Hand Throw
J.L. Glove Company combines beautiful design, professional quality material and demanding performance rigors to make the best baseball gloves available to competitive players. Founded and based in Austin, Texas. The gloves are constructed from select American Kip leather chrome tanned in Japan. Fur wrist liner for comfort and moisture management. The DR 03 has a medium-deep pocket depth that makes for a perfect glove around the field. The DR 03 features a medium depth pocket. With a true thumb to pinky close, the DR03 allows the rangy player to size up and still enjoy a nimble ball transfer around the infield. The J.L. Glove Company started with a vision shared by brothers Jeremy and Tyson Spring, two men raised in love with the game of baseball, obsessive about design that makes the game more beautiful, the player more confident, and the outs more plentiful. J.L. Glove Company are players, coaches, parents, designers, and baseball men. The J.L. Glove Company motto is 27 Outs. Go get One. $219.95

ve Company combines beautiful design, professional quality material and demanding
. Glove Com
L. Glove Company combines beautiful design, professional quality m
 Glove Company combines beautiful design, professional quality material and demanding performa
ve Company combin
J.L. Glov
Glove Company combines beautiful design, professional quality material and
any combines beautiful design, professional quality material and demanding
 Glove Company combines beautiful design, p
. Glove Company combines beautiful design, professional quality material and demanding perfor
 Glove Company combines beautiful design, professional quality material and demanding
e Company combines beautiful design, prof
mpany combines beautiful design, professional quality material and dem
.L. Glove Company combines beautiful design, p
L. Glove Company combines beautiful design, professional quality material and demanding per
JL Baseball Glove JL Glove Glove Co Co Baseball Baseball Glove Glove DR03 DR03 Two JL Glove Co Baseball JL Glove DR03 Two JL Glove Piece Closed


JL Glove Co Baseball Glove DR03 Two Piece Closed 11.75 Inch 0522 Left Hand Throw
J.L. Glove Company combines beautiful design, professional quality material and demanding performance rigors to make the best baseball gloves available to competitive players. Founded and based in Austin, Texas. The gloves are constructed from select American Kip leather chrome tanned in Japan. Fur wrist liner for comfort and moisture management. The DR 03 has a medium-deep pocket depth that makes for a perfect glove around the field. The DR 03 features a medium depth pocket. With a true thumb to pinky close, the DR03 allows the rangy player to size up and still enjoy a nimble ball transfer around the infield. The J.L. Glove Company started with a vision shared by brothers Jeremy and Tyson Spring, two men raised in love with the game of baseball, obsessive about design that makes the game more beautiful, the player more confident, and the outs more plentiful. J.L. Glove Company are players, coaches, parents, designers, and baseball men. The J.L. Glove Company motto is 27 Outs. Go get One. $219.95

 combines beautiful design, professional quality material and demanding pe
 combines beautiful design, professional quality material and demanding perfor
love Company combines beautiful design, professional quality
 combines beautiful design, professional quality material and demanding performance rigors to
ny combines beautiful design, pr
pany combines beautiful design, professional quality material and
.L. Glove Company combines beautiful design, professional qu
ve Company combines beautiful design,
. Glove Company combines b
L. Glove Company combines beautiful design, professional quality material and demanding perf
. Glove Company combines
 combines beautiful design, professional qu
JL Baseball Glove JL Glove Glove Co Co Baseball Baseball Glove Glove DR03 DR03 Two JL Glove Co Baseball JL Glove DR03 Two JL Glove Piece Closed


JL Glove Co Baseball Glove GKG24 Trap Web 12.75 Inch 0522 Right Hand Throw
The GKG24 is where gappers get run down. Super deep pocket built for the rangy outfielder. If you play in the grass, this is the glove for you. J.L. Glove Company combines beautiful design, professional quality material and demanding performance rigors to make the best baseball gloves available to competitive players. Founded and based in Austin, Texas. The gloves are constructed from select American Kip Leather chrome tanned in Japan. Fur wrist liner for comfort and moisture management. The J.L. Glove Company started with a vision shared by brothers Jeremy and Tyson Spring, two men raised in love with the game of baseball, obsessive about design that makes the game more beautiful, the player more confident, and the outs more plentiful. J.L. Glove Company are players, coaches, parents, designers, and baseball men. The J.L. Glove Company motto is 27 Outs. Go Get One. $219.95

24 is where gappers get run down. Super deep pocket built for the rangy outfiel
GKG24 is where ga
re gappers get run down. Super deep
 where gappers get run down. Super deep pocket built for the rangy
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gappers get run down. Super deep pocket built for the rangy ou
here gappers get run down. Super deep poc
he GKG24 is where gappers get run down. Supe
e GKG24 is where gappers get run down. Supe
24 is where gappers get run down. Super deep pocket built for the rang
The GKG24 is where gappers get run down. Super deep pocket built f
 gappers get run down. Super
The GKG24 is where gappers get run down. Super deep pocket built for t
The GKG24 is where gappers get run down. S
here gappers get run down. Super deep pocket built for the rangy outfield
JL Baseball Glove JL Glove Glove Co Co Baseball Baseball Glove Glove GKG24 GKG24 Trap JL Glove Co Baseball JL Glove GKG24 Trap JL Glove Web 12.75


JL Glove Co Trainer Japan Kip Baseball Glove 9.5 Inch 0522 Right Hand Throw
This baseball training glove is for every competitive ballplayer. Level up your game with J.L Japan Kip training glove. 9.5 inch pattern from Index to heel. 1 piece Web. 6mm USA lacing for strength and dependability. Structured pinky and thumb and padded palm for ideal pocket forming. J.L. Glove Company combines beautiful design, professional quality material and demanding performance rigors to make the best baseball gloves available to competitive players. Founded and based in Austin, Texas. The gloves are constructed from select American Kip leather chrome tanned in Japan. Fur wrist liner for comfort and moisture management. The J.L. Glove Company started with a vision shared by brothers Jeremy and Tyson Spring, two men raised in love with the game of baseball, obsessive about design that makes the game more beautiful, the player more confident, and the outs more plentiful. J.L. Glove Company are players, coaches, parents, designers, and baseball men. The J.L. Glove Company motto is 27 Outs. Go Get One. $219.95

s baseball training glove is for every competitive ballplayer. Level up your game with J.L Japan
This baseball training glove is for every competitive
training glove is for ev
l training glove is for every compe
ball training glove is for every competiti
eball training glove is for every competitive ballplayer. Level up your game
l training glove is fo
ing glove is for every competitive ballplayer. Level up your game with J.L Japan Kip trainin
l training glove i
ing glove is for every
eball training glove is for
JL Baseball Glove JL Glove Glove Co Co Trainer Trainer Japan Japan Kip Kip Baseball JL Glove Co Trainer JL Glove Kip Baseball JL Glove Glove 9.5


Rawlings Heart of the Hide Salesman Sample Baseball Glove 11.5 Right Hand Throw
11.50 Inch Pattern Break-In 60 Player 40 Factory Colorway Brown Red Conventional Open Back Deertanned Cowhide Plus Palm Lining Provides Added Protection Heart of the Hide Traditional Leather Shell - Cut From Top 5 Of Rawlings Hides Infield Glove Padded Thumb Loop Single Post Web Soft Full-Grain Finger Back Lining Provides Comfortable Feel Tennessee Tanning Rawhide Leather Laces - Adds Structure Durability Strength $179.95

1.50 Inch Pattern Break-In 60 Player 40 Factor
Break-In 60 Player 40 Factory Colorway Brown Red Conventional Ope
attern Break-In 60 Player 40 Factory Colorway Brown Red Conventional Open Back
11.50 Inch Pattern Break-In 60 Player 40 Factory Colorway Brown Red C
0 Inch Pattern Break-In 60 Pl
Inch Pattern Break-In 60 Player 40
Rawlings Baseball Glove Rawlings Heart Heart of of the the Hide Hide Salesman Salesman Sample Rawlings Heart of the Rawlings Heart Salesman Sample Rawlings Heart Baseball Glove


Louisville Slugger Tee Ball XENO PLUS 12.5 Softball Bat 24 inch 11.5 oz

Louisville Softball Bat Louisville Slugger Slugger Tee Tee Ball Ball XENO XENO PLUS PLUS 12.5 Louisville Slugger Tee Ball Louisville Slugger PLUS 12.5 Louisville Slugger Softball Bat


Louisville Slugger Tee Ball XENO PLUS 12.5 Softball Bat 25 inch 12.5 oz

Louisville Softball Bat Louisville Slugger Slugger Tee Tee Ball Ball XENO XENO PLUS PLUS 12.5 Louisville Slugger Tee Ball Louisville Slugger PLUS 12.5 Louisville Slugger Softball Bat


DeMarini WTDXVB5 USA -5 Baseball Bat 31 inch 26 oz
X14 alloy for more precise weight distribution 3Fusion handle for greater weight control and feel 3Fusion end cap optimizes sweet spot, sound and feel through the barrel 2-5/8 inch barrel 1-year Warranty The 2018 Voodoo (-5) 2 5/8" Senior League bat is the perfect bat for players preparing for the transition into BBCOR and High School play. It has the aluminum, two-piece makeup that many older players prefer, but still swings light and is the ideal bat for players who are ready to take the next step. These Voodoo bats, certified for all USSSA play, are made with our X14 Alloy, which enables a more precise weight distribution so we can properly build a series of sticks that meets different players’ needs. The 2018 Voodoo lineup is made with the patented 3Fusion system in the handle and end cap for greater weight control and to optimize the feel from top to bottom -- and especially in the sweet spot. - -5 Length to Weight Ratio - 2 5/8 Inch Barrel Diameter - Balanced Swing Weight - X14 Alloy Barrel - 3Fusion Handle - 3Fusion End Cap - Approved for USSSA - 1 Year Manufacturer's Warranty $249.95

 more precise weight distribution 3Fusion handle for greater weight control and feel 3Fusion en
 more precise weight distribution 3Fusion handle f
for more precise weight distribution 3Fusion handle for greater weight control and
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4 alloy for more precise weight dis
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14 alloy for more precise weight distribution 3Fusion handle for greater weight control and feel 3
DeMarini Baseball Bat DeMarini WTDXVB5 WTDXVB5 USA USA -5 -5 Baseball Baseball Bat Bat 31 DeMarini WTDXVB5 USA -5 DeMarini WTDXVB5 Bat 31 DeMarini WTDXVB5 inch 26


DeMarini WTDXVB5 USA -5 Baseball Bat 32 inch 27 oz
X14 alloy for more precise weight distribution 3Fusion handle for greater weight control and feel 3Fusion end cap optimizes sweet spot, sound and feel through the barrel 2-5/8 inch barrel 1-year Warranty The 2018 Voodoo (-5) 2 5/8" Senior League bat is the perfect bat for players preparing for the transition into BBCOR and High School play. It has the aluminum, two-piece makeup that many older players prefer, but still swings light and is the ideal bat for players who are ready to take the next step. These Voodoo bats, certified for all USSSA play, are made with our X14 Alloy, which enables a more precise weight distribution so we can properly build a series of sticks that meets different players’ needs. The 2018 Voodoo lineup is made with the patented 3Fusion system in the handle and end cap for greater weight control and to optimize the feel from top to bottom -- and especially in the sweet spot. - -5 Length to Weight Ratio - 2 5/8 Inch Barrel Diameter - Balanced Swing Weight - X14 Alloy Barrel - 3Fusion Handle - 3Fusion End Cap - Approved for USSSA - 1 Year Manufacturer's Warranty $249.95

 alloy for more precise weight distribution 3Fusion handle for greater weight co
4 alloy for more precise weight distribution 3Fusion handle for greater weigh
14 alloy for more precise weight distribution 3Fusion handle for greater weight con
re precise weight distribution 3Fusion handle for greater w
for more precise weight distribu
 precise weight distribution 3Fusion handle for greater weight
re precise weight distribution 3Fusion handle for greater weight co
DeMarini Baseball Bat DeMarini WTDXVB5 WTDXVB5 USA USA -5 -5 Baseball Baseball Bat Bat 32 DeMarini WTDXVB5 USA -5 DeMarini WTDXVB5 Bat 32 DeMarini WTDXVB5 inch 27


Sam Bat CD1 Navy Gold Maple Wood Baseball Bat 34-Inch
Ultra-durable maple wood construction for incredible durability and performance Selected from the top 5% of prime hard maple Zero pressure process maintains the wood's natural strength Great transitional bat from aluminum to wood Full-cup end increases balance $149.95

le maple wood construction for
-durable maple wood construction for incredible durability and performance
able maple wood construction for in
Sam Baseball Bat Sam Bat Bat CD1 CD1 Navy Navy Gold Gold Maple Maple Wood Sam Bat CD1 Navy Sam Bat Maple Wood Sam Bat Baseball Bat


Wilson Sporting Goods Evoshield Usa Logo Flexfit Trucker Hat Navy Small Medium
56% Polyester42% Cotton2% SPANDEX Imported Navy flex-fit style trucker hat Evoshield logo with American flag backdrop on front Breathable White mesh back Pre-formed bill and flex fit band for ultimate comfort fit Available in: s-m (7 - 7 14) and l-xl (7 38 - 7 58) $21.95

% Cotton2% SPANDEX Imported Navy
Polyester42% Cotton2%
 Polyester42% Cotton2% SPA
Wilson Sporting Sporting Goods Goods Evoshield Evoshield Usa Usa Logo Logo Flexfit Wilson Sporting Goods Evoshield Wilson Sporting Logo Flexfit Wilson Sporting Trucker Hat


Wilson Sporting Goods Evoshield Usa Logo Flexfit Trucker Hat Navy Large X-Large 7 3/8 - 7 5/8
56% Polyester42% Cotton2% SPANDEX Imported Navy flex-fit style trucker hat Evoshield logo with American flag backdrop on front Breathable White mesh back Pre-formed bill and flex fit band for ultimate comfort fit Available in: s-m (7 - 7 14) and l-xl (7 38 - 7 58) $28.00

Wilson Sporting Sporting Goods Goods Evoshield Evoshield Usa Usa Logo Logo Flexfit Wilson Sporting Goods Evoshield Wilson Sporting Logo Flexfit Wilson Sporting Trucker Hat


Louisville Slugger 2018 LXT -10 Fast Pitch Softball Bat 31 inch 21 oz
The bat that has made its name as one of the best in the fastpitch game is back with even more power and better feel than ever. The 2018 LXT Fastpitch bat is made with an ultra-balanced swing weight for extreme control and swing speed, so players can catch up to heaters and react to off-speed pitches all over the zone. It’s made with Louisville Slugger's patented PBF™ Barrel Technology for maximum pop out of the wrapper and the largest sweet spot in the Louisville Slugger fastpitch line. With the patented Tru3 technology to reduce vibration and provide unmatched feel on contact, players everywhere can now up their game with the LXT from Louisville Slugger. The 2018 LXT is available in -8, -9, -10 and -11 and also available for customization at SluggerCustomBats.com. The -10 model is designed for players seeking the ultimate combination of balance and power. $249.95

t has made its name as one of the best in the fa
he bat that has made i
as made its name as one of the best
at has made its name as one of the best in the fastpitch game is back with even more powe
ade its name as one of the best in the fastpitch game is back with even more power and better
ade its name as one of the best in the fastpitch game is back with ev
bat that has made
Louisville Softball Bat Louisville Slugger Slugger 2018 2018 LXT LXT -10 -10 Fast Fast Pitch Louisville Slugger 2018 LXT Louisville Slugger Fast Pitch Louisville Slugger Softball Bat


Wilson 2018 A900 Catchers Mitt 34 inch Right Hand Throw
Wilson youth first base mitts are intended for a younger, more advanced ball player who is looking to take their game to the next level. For the 2018 season, the A900 series is just what the doctor ordered to help get an edge on the diamond. Each model offers a cool, old-school look with the dark brown, full leather construction that comes game ready with absolutely zero break-in period. If you're sick and tired of having a sore wrist and knuckles from an extensive break-in, the A900 is just what you need. From day one, these mitts are ready to go when you are. Plus, Wilson has applied their double palm construction on the front side of each design to help add extra stability and a low profile heel that allows for easier closure and less rebound on bad hops so that you can make that scoop at first base without fail. Wilson: The Players' Choice! This Wilson A900 youth catcher's mitt (WTA09RB18CM34) features a large 34.00-inch pattern, a half moon web, and a conventional open back that offers a classic look. Remember, we're here from click to catch!.                                                              $70.00

rst base mitts are intended for a younger, more
irst base mitts are intended for a younger, more advanced ball
son youth first base mitts are intended for a yo
t base mitts are intended for a younger, more advanced ball player who is looking to take thei
rst base mitts are intended for a younger, more advanced ba
Wilson 2018 2018 A900 A900 Catchers Catchers Mitt Mitt 34 34 inch Wilson 2018 A900 Catchers Wilson 2018 34 inch Wilson 2018 Right Hand


Louisville Slugger Omaha 517 BBCOR -3 Baseball Bat 32.5 inch 29.5 oz
Proven performance at the highest level is what makes the Omaha 517 one of the most tried and true models in baseball for over a decade. Still, the bat continues to evolve. This year, the Omaha 517 features an improved ST 7U1+ Alloy blend to help strengthen the metal and deliver an even more durable one-piece bat. The Omaha is more end-loaded than the Prime 917 and Solo 617 models, making hit perfect for power hitters and elite ballplayers at the travel and college level. Comes with a 1 year manufacturer's warranty from Louisville Slugger. - -3 Length to weight ratio - 2 58 inch barrel diameter - 1-Piece ST 7U1+ Alloy Construction - Huge sweet spot and stiffer feel on contact - Balanced swing weight - Custom Lizard Skin premium performance grip - 3132 inch tapered handle - Approved for play in BBCOR $149.00

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performance at the highest level is what makes the Omaha 517 one of the most
rmance at the highest level is what mak
Proven performance at the hi
n performance at the hi
Proven performance at the highest level is what makes the Omaha
ce at the high
Louisville Baseball Bat Louisville Slugger Slugger Omaha Omaha 517 517 BBCOR BBCOR -3 -3 Baseball Louisville Slugger Omaha 517 Louisville Slugger -3 Baseball Louisville Slugger Bat


Wilson A2000 Series 11.75 Inch WTA20RF171175 Fastpitch Softball Glove
Fastpitch-specific WTA20RF171175 New comfort Velcro wrist closure for a secure and comfortable fit D-Fusion pocket pad creates no sting catch zone Pro stock leather for a long lasting glove and a great break-in Dual welting for a durable pocket Product Description The 11.75" Wilson A2000 is the ideal length for fastpitch middle infielders. Its shallow pocket allows you to quickly find the ball and transfer it from glove to hand so you can make the play. The Fastpitch A2000 lineup is created with the Custom Fit System so that every fastpitch player can have a glove that fits her hand, no matter how tight she wears it. The superior feel and durability come from the premium Pro Stock Leather that breaks in perfectly and lasts from one season to the next. D-Fusion padding is added just below the pocket to absorb the shock of hard line drives and screaming throws. - 11.75 Inch Model - Fastpitch-Specific Infield Model - New Comfort Velcro Wrist Closure - D-Fusion Pocket Pad - Pro Stock Leather - Dual Welting $209.95

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c WTA20RF171175 New comfort Velcro wrist clos
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tch-specific WTA20RF171175 New comfort Velcro wrist closure
Fastpitch-specific WTA20RF171175 New comfort Velcro wrist closure f
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 WTA20RF171175 New comfort Velcro
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 WTA20RF171175 New comfort Velcro wrist closure for a secure and com
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ic WTA20RF171175 New comfort Velcro wrist
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 WTA20RF171175 New comfort Velcro
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pitch-specific WTA20RF171175 New comfort Velcro wrist closure for a se
Fastpitch-specific WTA20RF171175 New comfor
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Wilson Softball Glove Wilson A2000 A2000 Series Series 11.75 11.75 Inch Inch WTA20RF171175 WTA20RF171175 Fastpitch Wilson A2000 Series 11.75 Wilson A2000 WTA20RF171175 Fastpitch Wilson A2000 Softball Glove


Rawlings Gamer XLE GXLE312-2BR 11.25 inch Baseball Glove
Add some color to your game with a Gamer XLE glove With bold brightlycolored leather shells Gamer XLE Series gloves are ideal for athletes looking to flash some personality and style on the field These gloves not only look cool they also feature highquality authentic pro patterns and soft fullgrain leather shells to maximize defensive performance p $84.95

your game with a Gamer XLE glove With bold brightlycolored leather shells Gamer XLE Series glo
olor to your game w
olor to your game with a Gamer XLE glove With bold brightlyc
 color to your game with a Gamer XLE glove With bold brightlycolored le
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Rawlings Baseball Glove Rawlings Gamer Gamer XLE XLE GXLE312-2BR GXLE312-2BR 11.25 11.25 inch inch Baseball Rawlings Gamer XLE GXLE312-2BR Rawlings Gamer inch Baseball Rawlings Gamer Glove


Rawlings Heart of the Hide Baseball Glove 11.5 Right Hand Throw
11.50 Inch Pattern Break-In 60 Player 40 Factory Colorway Brown Red Conventional Open Back Deertanned Cowhide Plus Palm Lining Provides Added Protection Heart of the Hide Traditional Leather Shell - Cut From Top 5 Of Rawlings Hides Infield Glove Padded Thumb Loop Single Post Web Soft Full-Grain Finger Back Lining Provides Comfortable Feel Tennessee Tanning Rawhide Leather Laces - Adds Structure Durability Strength $199.95

11.50 Inch Pattern Break-In 60 Player 40 Factory Colorway Brown Red Conventional Op
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Rawlings Baseball Glove Rawlings Heart Heart of of the the Hide Hide Baseball Baseball Glove Rawlings Heart of the Rawlings Heart Baseball Glove Rawlings Heart 11.5 Right


Wilson A500 Baseball Glove BlackBlondeRed Right Hand Throw
A500 - 11 Wilson A500 1786 Baseball GloveA500 1786 11 Baseball Glove-Right Hand Throw A500 1786 11 Baseball Glove-Left Hand Throw WTA05RB1611WTA05LB1611Designed for youth players, the 11 A500 baseball glove model is a replica of the the blonde A2000 1786. It features an H-web, making it a great glove for utility players.The A500 is the lightest all-leather glove on the market. The glove's top-grain leather provides a flexible, ready-to-play feel that performs without the extra weight of other leather gloves. 11 H-Web Replica of A2000 1786Game-ready top grain leather shell provides all the feel without the wieght2x Palm Construction to reinforce the pocketDual WeltingTM for a durable pocketThe lighest all-leather glove on the marketUtilityBoth11 h-web Game Ready Top Grain LeatherA500 RC22 Showtime 11.5 Pedroia Fit Bandit 1786A1074 Wilson Players Video $49.95

A500 - 11 Wilson A500 1786 Baseball Glo
 11 Wilson A500 1786 Baseball GloveA500 1786 11 Baseball Glove-Right Hand Throw A500 17
 - 11 Wilson A500 1786 Baseball GloveA500 1786 11
1 Wilson A500 1786 Baseball GloveA500 1786 11 Base
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Wilson Baseball Glove Wilson A500 A500 Baseball Baseball Glove Glove BlackBlondeRed BlackBlondeRed Right Right Hand Wilson A500 Baseball Glove Wilson A500 Right Hand Wilson A500 Throw


Rawlings Liberty Advanced Softball Catchers Mitt 34 in Right Hand Throw
The perfectly balanced patterns of the updated Liberty Advanced series from Rawlings are designed for the hand size of the female athlete to provide an improved level of control and comfort. Constructed with a hand opening and finger back adjustments to accommodate the fastpitch player. Rawlings is introducing a dynamic new pattern technology to advance the fastpitch game and provide the opportunity for an upgraded level of performance. - 12 Inch Women's Model - Basket Web - Full-Grain Oil Treated Leather Shell - Game-Ready Feel - Break-In: 80% Factory 20% Player - Poron XRD Palm and Index Finger Pads - All Leather Laces - Excellent Fit and Control - Custom Fit, Adjustable, Non-Slip Pull Strap Back Sport: Softball Back: Adjustable Pull Strap Player Break-In: 30 Fit: Standard Level: Adult Lining: Deer-Tanned Cowhide Padding: PORON XRD Palm Pad Series: Liberty Advanced Shell: Full Grain Leather Web: Pro H Size: 34 in Pattern: CM34SB Age Group: Pro/College, High School, 14U $189.95

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Rawlings Liberty Liberty Advanced Advanced Softball Softball Catchers Catchers Mitt Mitt 34 Rawlings Liberty Advanced Softball Rawlings Liberty Mitt 34 Rawlings Liberty in Right


Louisville Slugger MLB Prime C243 Baseball Bats Maple Natural 33 32 oz
NEW EXOARMOR finish - 2x harder MLB Maple MLB Ink Dot Bone Rubbed Cupped Large Barrel Standard Handle Swing Weight - Slightly End Loaded Turning model C243 $127.95

OARMOR finish - 2x harder MLB Maple MLB Ink Dot Bone Rubbed Cupped Large
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inish - 2x harder MLB Maple MLB Ink Dot Bone Rubbed Cu
Louisville Baseball Bat Louisville Slugger Slugger MLB MLB Prime Prime C243 C243 Baseball Baseball Bats Louisville Slugger MLB Prime Louisville Slugger Baseball Bats Louisville Slugger Maple Natural


Anderson Bat Company Centerfire 5 Baseball Bat Navy Blue Gray 32 27 oz
The Senior League Centerfire Big Barrel Bat for 2016 is crafted with a 2-Piece Hybrid Design combining a hot AB-9000 Aerospace Grade Alloy Barrel with a Composite Handle. The alloy barrel is going to be hot right out of the wrapper and game ready from day one giving you that sweet ping sound when the ball launches off the sweet spot. The Centerfire is made with an Ultra Balanced Swing Weight giving you great bat control and super fast swing speed while going through the hitting zone. Made as a drop 5 the Centerfire is approved for play in USSSA Pony and all other youth associations that allow the 2 5 8 Barrel Diameter as it has the USSSA 1.15 BPF Thumbprint Stamp inked right on the handle. Get your Centerfire Youth Big Barrel Bat today right here No Hassle Returns Guaranteed 2016 Centerfire Big Barrel Bat Features 2-Piece Hybrid Design AB-9000 Aerospace Grade Alloy Barrel Aluminum Composite Handle Ultra Balanced Swing Weight 2 5 8 Barrel Diameter -5oz Length to Weight Ratio USSSA 1.15 BPF Thumbprint Stamp One Year Manufacturer Warranty $129.00

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Anderson Baseball Bat Anderson Bat Bat Company Company Centerfire Centerfire 5 5 Baseball Baseball Bat Anderson Bat Company Centerfire Anderson Bat Baseball Bat Anderson Bat Navy Blue


Anderson Bat Company Centerfire 5 Baseball Bat Navy Blue Gray 31 26 oz
The Senior League Centerfire Big Barrel Bat for 2016 is crafted with a 2-Piece Hybrid Design combining a hot AB-9000 Aerospace Grade Alloy Barrel with a Composite Handle. The alloy barrel is going to be hot right out of the wrapper and game ready from day one giving you that sweet ping sound when the ball launches off the sweet spot. The Centerfire is made with an Ultra Balanced Swing Weight giving you great bat control and super fast swing speed while going through the hitting zone. Made as a drop 5 the Centerfire is approved for play in USSSA Pony and all other youth associations that allow the 2 5 8 Barrel Diameter as it has the USSSA 1.15 BPF Thumbprint Stamp inked right on the handle. Get your Centerfire Youth Big Barrel Bat today right here No Hassle Returns Guaranteed 2016 Centerfire Big Barrel Bat Features 2-Piece Hybrid Design AB-9000 Aerospace Grade Alloy Barrel Aluminum Composite Handle Ultra Balanced Swing Weight 2 5 8 Barrel Diameter -5oz Length to Weight Ratio USSSA 1.15 BPF Thumbprint Stamp One Year Manufacturer Warranty $139.00

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Anderson Baseball Bat Anderson Bat Bat Company Company Centerfire Centerfire 5 5 Baseball Baseball Bat Anderson Bat Company Centerfire Anderson Bat Baseball Bat Anderson Bat Navy Blue


Sam Bat CD1 Navy Gold Maple Wood Baseball Bat 33-Inch

Sam Baseball Bat Sam Bat Bat CD1 CD1 Navy Navy Gold Gold Maple Maple Wood Sam Bat CD1 Navy Sam Bat Maple Wood Sam Bat Baseball Bat


Sam Bat CD1 Navy Gold Maple Wood Baseball Bat 32-Inch
The SAM BAT CD1 is one of the most popular models we make. This longstanding favorite is a great transitional model for players looking to switch from metal to wood. A classic rounded knob meets a straight handle giving the bat a similar feel to aluminum. The CD1 is a regular barrel model with a straighter barrel and a relatively quick taper from handle to barrel. All SAM BATs are crafted from professional grade hard rock maple for outstanding strength longevity and performance. $124.95

is one of the most popular models we make. This longstanding favorite is a great tr
e SAM BAT CD1 is one of the most popular models we make. This longst
Sam Baseball Bat Sam Bat Bat CD1 CD1 Navy Navy Gold Gold Maple Maple Wood Sam Bat CD1 Navy Sam Bat Maple Wood Sam Bat Baseball Bat

GFN1176B1-Right Handed Throw

Mizuno Franchise Series GFN1176B1 Baseball Glove 11.75 inch (Right Handed Throw)
Mizuno Franchise Series GFN1176B1 Baseball Glove 11.75 inch (Right Handed Throw) : Mizuno Franchise Series have pre-oiled Java Leather which is game ready and long lasting. Hi-low lacing maintains the integrity of a fully laced web while providing added flexibility for easier closure. Parashock plus palm pad and comfortable hand based patterns. 11.75 Inch $69.00

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ise Series GFN1176B1 Baseball Glove 11.75 inch (Right Handed Throw) : Mizuno Franchise
Mizuno Baseball Glove Mizuno Franchise Franchise Series Series GFN1176B1 GFN1176B1 Baseball Baseball Glove Glove 11.75 Mizuno Franchise Series GFN1176B1 Mizuno Franchise Glove 11.75 Mizuno Franchise inch (Right


Champro C Grade CBB-200 Official League Cushion Cork Core Cover Baseballs - Available by the Dozen (1 Dozen)
Champro C Grade CBB-200 Official League Cushion Cork Core Cover Baseballs - Available by the Dozen (1 Dozen) : Champro Baseballs - Champro C Grade Official League Cushion Cork Core Cover Baseballs - Available by the Dozen. Official League baseballPrecision molded cushion cork core. Metered tension 5% wool yarn. Full grain leather cover. High School practiceYouth game $29.95

Champro C C Grade Grade CBB-200 CBB-200 Official Official League League Cushion Champro C Grade CBB-200 Champro C League Cushion Champro C Cork Core

WBPL14-71CBU-32 Inch

Louisville Slugger Pro Stock Lite C271 Ash Wood Baseball Bat (32 Inch)
Louisville Slugger Pro Stock Lite are -3 or lighter. $39.00

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Louisville Baseball Bat Louisville Slugger Slugger Pro Pro Stock Stock Lite Lite C271 C271 Ash Louisville Slugger Pro Stock Louisville Slugger C271 Ash Louisville Slugger Wood Baseball

GCF1253-Right Handed Throw

Mizuno GCF1253 Classic Fast Pitch Softball Fielder's Mitt Peanut 12.50-Inch Right Handed Throw
Mizuno GCF1253 Classic Fast Pitch Softball Fielder's Mitt Peanut 12.50-Inch Right Handed Throw : The Mizuno GCF1253 is a 12.50-Inch fast pitch infieldpitcher's glove made from Mizuno's Throwback Leather, creating a rugged and rich feeling ball glove that keeps its shape over time. Precurved felt aids in break in and securing the ball. $139.00

Mizuno GCF1253 GCF1253 Classic Classic Fast Fast Pitch Pitch Softball Softball Fielder's Mizuno GCF1253 Classic Fast Mizuno GCF1253 Softball Fielder's Mizuno GCF1253 Mitt Peanut


Louisville Slugger 11.5" Omaha Crossover Youth Baseball Glove (Right Hand Throw)
Louisville Slugger 11.5" Omaha Crossover Series Black Modified Trap Web Baseball Glove. Crossover Series for youth player crossing over to more competitive level of play. $39.99

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er 11.5 Omaha Crossover Series Black Modified Trap Web
Louisville Baseball Glove Louisville Slugger Slugger 11.5" 11.5" Omaha Omaha Crossover Crossover Youth Youth Baseball Louisville Slugger 11.5" Omaha Louisville Slugger Youth Baseball Louisville Slugger Glove (Right

GXLE5SW-Right Handed Throw

Rawlings Gamer XLE Series GXLE5SW Baseball Glove 11.75 (Right Handed Throw)
The Gamer XLE series features PORON XRD impact absorption padding and an exclusive limited edition colorway. Rawlings pro patterns, pro grade laces, and pro soft leather, this series is ideal for the player looking for a game-ready glove in the same pattern as their favorite pro player. $98.00

LE series features POR
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Rawlings Baseball Glove Rawlings Gamer Gamer XLE XLE Series Series GXLE5SW GXLE5SW Baseball Baseball Glove Rawlings Gamer XLE Series Rawlings Gamer Baseball Glove Rawlings Gamer 11.75 (Right

BTF-1200C-Right Handed Throw

Nokona Banana Tan Fast Pitch BTF-1200C Softball Glove 12 inch (Right Handed Throw)
Nokona Banana Tanned is game ready leather on this fastpitch nokona softball glove. $209.99

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Banana Tanned is game ready leather on this fastpitch nokona
Nokona Softball Glove Nokona Banana Banana Tan Tan Fast Fast Pitch Pitch BTF-1200C BTF-1200C Softball Nokona Banana Tan Fast Nokona Banana BTF-1200C Softball Nokona Banana Glove 12

WBXM14P18NBK-33 inch

Louisville Slugger Wood Bat XX Prime Maple Pro S318 (33 inch)
Louisville Slugger Wood Bat XX Prime Maple Pro S318 Turning Model. 33 Inch Wood Baseball Bat. Maple is the species preferred by most pro players. It features the ultimate surface hardness and provides an unmatched sound and feel at contact. Naturally harder, maple offers added strength at impact. Closed grains eliminate flaking, commonly seen with ash, allowing superior durability against delamination. The balanced swing weight of the C271 – among the top three turning models ordered by the pros – maximizes bat control and a player’s ability to get the barrel where it needs to be, when it needs to be there. $80.00

Louisville Wood Bat Louisville Slugger Slugger Wood Wood Bat Bat XX XX Prime Prime Maple Louisville Slugger Wood Bat Louisville Slugger Prime Maple Louisville Slugger Pro S318

FGOS14-BGCM1-Right Handed Throw

Louisville Slugger Omaha Select 31 inch Catchers Mitt (Right Handed Throw)
Louisville Slugger Omaha Select for the player not ready for adult glove but wants a better glove than youth. The transitioning player deserves better than an ordinary youth glove or hand-me-down. The Louisville Slugger Omaha Select series baseball glove is designed for superior comfort and long-lasting life with patterns sized specifically for a proper fit $50.00

Louisville Slugger Slugger Omaha Omaha Select Select 31 31 inch inch Catchers Louisville Slugger Omaha Select Louisville Slugger inch Catchers Louisville Slugger Mitt (Right

WBPL14-71CBU-33 Inch

Louisville Slugger Pro Stock Lite C271 Ash Wood Baseball Bat (33 Inch)
Louisville Slugger Pro Stock Lite are -3 or lighter. $39.99

Louisville Baseball Bat Louisville Slugger Slugger Pro Pro Stock Stock Lite Lite C271 C271 Ash Louisville Slugger Pro Stock Louisville Slugger C271 Ash Louisville Slugger Wood Baseball

GXC94-Left Handed Throw

Mizuno Supreme Series GXC94 Catcher's Mitt 33.5 (Left Handed Throw)
Mizuno's catcher's mitts are made from top quality leather and utilize cutting edge technologies. Black, Size 33.50" Full Sized, Adult Transitional. This series features a high performance, full-grain leather shell in a youth transitional size. The transitional size provides the perfect finger stall and glove sizing for the youth player not quite ready for the full size pro glove. All Supreme Series gloves feature PowerLock technology, the simplest and most secure locking system. This technology offers the player maximum comfort for increased performance. The Supreme Series gloves also offer PalmSoft lining for unsurpassed feel and long lasting durability along with the patent pending Shock Grid Finger opening designed to disperse shock while providing the ultimate in comfort. $54.00

Mizuno Supreme Supreme Series Series GXC94 GXC94 Catcher's Catcher's Mitt Mitt 33.5 Mizuno Supreme Series GXC94 Mizuno Supreme Mitt 33.5 Mizuno Supreme (Left Handed


Worth BCA Baseball (1 ea) Offical League Baseball
High School baseball, alum leather. Wool wound, cork & rubber core. $79.00

Worth BCA BCA Baseball Baseball (1 (1 ea) ea) Offical Offical League Worth BCA Baseball (1 Worth BCA Offical League Worth BCA Baseball


Louisville Slugger FL1275C 12 3/4 in Pro Flare Baseball Glove (Left Handed Throw)
Louisville Slugger LEFT HAND THROW 12.75" LEFT HAND THROW Pro Flare Series Baseball Glove. 12 34 Inch Outfield model. Conventional open back. Single post double bar web. Pro Flare Design. Top grade oil infused Horween leather. Combines unmatched durability with ultra quick break in. Flare design provides larger catching surface with a flat and deep pocket. Extra wide lacing for added strength. Preferred by top professional and collegiate players. $149.99

Louisville Baseball Glove Louisville Slugger Slugger FL1275C FL1275C 12 12 3/4 3/4 in in Pro Louisville Slugger FL1275C 12 Louisville Slugger in Pro Louisville Slugger Flare Baseball


All-Star S7 Compression Sleeves Pair (Black, Large)
Utilizes advanced seamless weaving technology to deliver areas of high compression and other areas with moderate compression $9.99

All-Star S7 S7 Compression Compression Sleeves Sleeves Pair Pair (Black, (Black, Large) All-Star S7 Compression Sleeves All-Star S7 (Black, Large) All-Star S7

GXP1175-Right Handed Throw

Rawlings Gamer Mocha Series GXP1175 Baseball Glove 11.75 (Right Handed Throw)
Rawlings Gamer Mocha Series GXP1175 Baseball Glove 11.75 (Right Handed Throw) : The Gamer XLE series features PORON XRD impact absorption padding and an exclusive limited edition colorway. With Rawlings pro patterns, pro grade laces, and pro soft leather, this series is ideal for the player looking for a game-ready glove in the same pattern as their favorite pro player. $59.00

Rawlings Baseball Glove Rawlings Gamer Gamer Mocha Mocha Series Series GXP1175 GXP1175 Baseball Baseball Glove Rawlings Gamer Mocha Series Rawlings Gamer Baseball Glove Rawlings Gamer 11.75 (Right


Miken DC-41 Slowpitch Softball Bat USSSA DEN41U (34-inch-30-oz)
Denny Crine s signature two-piece bat with 1 oz. supermax endload. Optimal handle flex, massive sweetspot and hot multi-wall performance. 100 Comp is the revolutionary formula that changed the game and introduced certified Miken high performance equipment. This product is engineered utilizing 100% premium aerospace grade fiber to deliver Miken's legendary performance and durability. Two Piece Composite. $185.00

Miken Softball Bat Miken DC-41 DC-41 Slowpitch Slowpitch Softball Softball Bat Bat USSSA USSSA DEN41U Miken DC-41 Slowpitch Softball Miken DC-41 USSSA DEN41U Miken DC-41 (34-inch-30-oz)

GMVP1150P1-Right Hand Throw

Mizuno MVP Prime GMVP1150P1 Baseball Glove 11.5 (Right Hand Throw)
Mizuno MVP Prime GMVP1150P1 Baseball Glove 11.5 (Right Hand Throw) : Smooth professional style oil soft plus leather is the perfect balance of oiled softness for exceptional feel and firm control that serious players demand. Outlined, embroidered logo. Center pocket design patterns plus grip thumb for added comfort. $60.00

Mizuno Baseball Glove Mizuno MVP MVP Prime Prime GMVP1150P1 GMVP1150P1 Baseball Baseball Glove Glove 11.5 Mizuno MVP Prime GMVP1150P1 Mizuno MVP Glove 11.5 Mizuno MVP (Right Hand

FGXN14-BK117-Right Hand Throw

Louisville Slugger Xeno Fastpitch Softball Glove 11.75 inch FGXN14-BK117 (Right Hand Throw)
Louisville Slugger Xeno Fastpitch Softball Glove 11.75" FGXN14-BK117 The Louisville Slugger Xeno Fastpitch series softball glove takes best-in-class premium leather matched with soft linings for a substantial feel that is game-ready off the shelf. $89.95

Louisville Softball Glove Louisville Slugger Slugger Xeno Xeno Fastpitch Fastpitch Softball Softball Glove Glove 11.75 Louisville Slugger Xeno Fastpitch Louisville Slugger Glove 11.75 Louisville Slugger inch FGXN14-BK117

A20RB15GG47GM-Right Handed Throw

Wilson A2000 Gio Gonzalez GG47 Baseball Glove 12.25 inch (Right Handed Throw)
Wilson A2000 Baseball Glove Gio Gonzalez Game Model 12.25 inch. Each season since he joined the league Gio Gonzalez has dominated on the mound and has become one of the best pitchers in Major League Baseball. This year Wilson has provided Gio with an all new color way for his flashy Triple Laced T-web game model. The GG47 Baseball Glove features a pitcher friendly 3x Triple Laced T-web and a 12.25” pattern that provides a deep pocket and a conceals his pitch grips. The GG47 A2000 Baseball Glove is constructed from Wilson's amazing Pro Stock leather that not only breaks in perfectly but is extremely durable. The Wilson A2000 GG47 Baseball Glove also features a DriLex wrist lining to keep your hand cool and dry, and Dual Welting down the back of the fingers for added support and a better shape. 12.25 inch Pitcher Model. Gio Gonzalez’s Game Model Glove. 3x Triple Laced T-Web. Pro Stock Leather for a long lasting glove and a great break-in. Dual Welting for a durable pocket. DriLex Wrist Lining to keep your hand cool and dry. $219.95

Wilson Baseball Glove Wilson A2000 A2000 Gio Gio Gonzalez Gonzalez GG47 GG47 Baseball Baseball Glove Wilson A2000 Gio Gonzalez Wilson A2000 Baseball Glove Wilson A2000 12.25 inch

GMVP1250PSES3-Royal-RedRight Hand Throw

Mizuno Slowpitch GMVP1250PSES3 Softball Glove 12.5 inch (Royal-Red, Right Hand Throw)
Mizuno Slowpitch GMVP1250PSES3 Softball Glove 12.5 inch (Royal-Red, Right Hand Throw) : Patent pending Heel Flex Technology increases flexibility and closure. Center pocket design. Strong edge creates a more stable thumb and pinky. Smooth professional style. Oil Plus leather, the perfect balance of oiled softness for exceptional feel and firm control that serious players demand. Durable Steer soft palm liner. Matching outlined embroidered logo. Two tone lace. $124.99

Mizuno Softball Glove Mizuno Slowpitch Slowpitch GMVP1250PSES3 GMVP1250PSES3 Softball Softball Glove Glove 12.5 12.5 inch Mizuno Slowpitch GMVP1250PSES3 Softball Mizuno Slowpitch 12.5 inch Mizuno Slowpitch (Royal-Red, Right

AB-1275M-Right Hand Throw

Nokona Alpha AB-1275M Baseball Glove 12.75 inch (Right Hand Throw)
Nokona Alpha Series 12.75 inch Outfield Baseball Glove with Trap Web. 12.75 inch outfield pattern. Modified Trap Web With Open Back. Alpha Leather Scheme with Buffalo and Stampede Leather. Nolera Padding System. Genuine Shearling Cuff. Weight 645g. Handmade in the USA. One year warranty. AB1275M. Since 1934, Nokona has been producing ball gloves for America's pastime right here in the United States. Made with top-grain American hides provided by American ranchers, their leathers are tanned in the USA to Nokona's specifications. Nokona gloves are still produced in the very same small town in Texas, where Nokona started in the 1920s. They are made by Americans who carefully cut, stamp, stitch, lace, and embroider each glove by hand. Each Nokona has its own unique identity and feel, based on the careful selection of leather per part and its hand-crafted construction. Nokona puts classic American workmanship into every glove, using special techniques developed over the past 80 years. This ensures that the highest American and Nokona standards are met so that you can wear your glove with great confidence and pride. $329.00

Nokona Baseball Glove Nokona Alpha Alpha AB-1275M AB-1275M Baseball Baseball Glove Glove 12.75 12.75 inch Nokona Alpha AB-1275M Baseball Nokona Alpha 12.75 inch Nokona Alpha (Right Hand

WBVM14-43CNA-32 Inch

Louisville Slugger MLB Prime Maple 243 WBVM14-43CNA (32 Inch)
MLB Prime wood bats bring the American spirit of innovation and the unmatched quality of hand craftsmanship together like never before. Our new premium line of wood bats might be designed with technology, but are made the old fashioned way. Its local craftsmen using the best materials from right here in America to craft the best bats on the market today. We expect nothing less for America's game and neither should you. Turning model C243 is swung by Buster Posey MLB high-quality, veneer maple wood construction Amish Vacuum Drying process and Finishing System (AFS) guarantees Slugger's hardest wood 360 degree wood compression is better than bone rubbing and won't miss a soft spot MLB Ink Dot guarantees the straightest grain and hardest pro-grade wood bat $80.00

Louisville Slugger Slugger MLB MLB Prime Prime Maple Maple 243 243 WBVM14-43CNA Louisville Slugger MLB Prime Louisville Slugger 243 WBVM14-43CNA Louisville Slugger (32 Inch)

VRSPRO-MediumRight Hand

Easton VRS Pro Batting Glove Black/Black (Medium, Right Hand)
Pittards world class leather long lasting gel injected foam pads batting gloves. Pittards cabretta leather repels water and maintains softness. $8.00

Easton VRS VRS Pro Pro Batting Batting Glove Glove Black/Black Black/Black (Medium, Easton VRS Pro Batting Easton VRS Black/Black (Medium, Easton VRS Right Hand)

GCF1252-Right Hand Throw

Mizuno Classic Fastpitch GCF1252 12.5" Fastpitch Softball Glove (Right Hand Throw)
Mizuno Classic Fastpitch GCF1252 12.5" Fastpitch Softball Glove. $139.00

Mizuno Softball Glove Mizuno Classic Classic Fastpitch Fastpitch GCF1252 GCF1252 12.5" 12.5" Fastpitch Fastpitch Softball Mizuno Classic Fastpitch GCF1252 Mizuno Classic Fastpitch Softball Mizuno Classic Glove (Right

WBVA271-NG-33 inch

Louisville Slugger MLB Prime Ash C271 Natural High Gloss Wood Baseball Bat (33 inch)
Louisville Slugger MLB Prime Ash C271 Natural High Gloss Wood Baseball Bat (33 inch) : Louisville Slugger Prime Ash. Stronger. Harder. Farther. MLB Prime gives you the chance to swing the EXACT same bat as the big leaguers. MLB Prime is built with the best quality Veneer wood, Amish craftsmanship, our exclusive 360 degree compression to increase hardness, our advanced finish system and is now bone-rubbed for a visible hardness. Ash gives you strong timber, and lighter weight. Pound for pound, Ash is the strongest timber available. Ash tends to flex, giving the hitter a more flexible sweet spot. Ash is available in the widest range of turning models. $99.95

Louisville Baseball Bat Louisville Slugger Slugger MLB MLB Prime Prime Ash Ash C271 C271 Natural Louisville Slugger MLB Prime Louisville Slugger C271 Natural Louisville Slugger High Gloss

WBVA271-NG-34 inch

Louisville Slugger MLB Prime Ash C271 Natural High Gloss Wood Baseball Bat (34 inch)
Louisville Slugger MLB Prime Ash C271 Natural High Gloss Wood Baseball Bat (34 inch) : Louisville Slugger Prime Ash. Stronger. Harder. Farther. MLB Prime gives you the chance to swing the EXACT same bat as the big leaguers. MLB Prime is built with the best quality Veneer wood, Amish craftsmanship, our exclusive 360 degree compression to increase hardness, our advanced finish system and is now bone-rubbed for a visible hardness. Ash gives you strong timber, and lighter weight. Pound for pound, Ash is the strongest timber available. Ash tends to flex, giving the hitter a more flexible sweet spot. Ash is available in the widest range of turning models. $99.95

Louisville Baseball Bat Louisville Slugger Slugger MLB MLB Prime Prime Ash Ash C271 C271 Natural Louisville Slugger MLB Prime Louisville Slugger C271 Natural Louisville Slugger High Gloss

WBPL14-71CBU-34 Inch

Louisville Slugger Pro Stock Lite C271 Ash Wood Baseball Bat (34 Inch)
Louisville Slugger Pro Stock Lite are -3 or lighter. $39.99

Louisville Baseball Bat Louisville Slugger Slugger Pro Pro Stock Stock Lite Lite C271 C271 Ash Louisville Slugger Pro Stock Louisville Slugger C271 Ash Louisville Slugger Wood Baseball

GGE71VBK-Right Handed Throw

Mizuno GGE71VBK Global Elite VOP 12.75 Outfield Baseball Glove (Right Handed Throw)
Mizuno GGE71VBK Global Elite VOP 12.75 Outfield Baseball Glove (Right Handed Throw) : Mizuno vibration processed hand oiled leather and roll Welting which increases structure and support throughout the fingers. Rugged polyurethane patch and antimicrobial cushioned wrist pad for a secure fit. Thumb Embroidery. VOP Leather Palm. 12.75 Inch Black. $179.00

Mizuno Baseball Glove Mizuno GGE71VBK GGE71VBK Global Global Elite Elite VOP VOP 12.75 12.75 Outfield Mizuno GGE71VBK Global Elite Mizuno GGE71VBK 12.75 Outfield Mizuno GGE71VBK Baseball Glove

GMP600AXBK-Right Hand Throw

Mizuno GMP600AXBK Pro Limited Baseball Glove 11.5 inch (Right Hand Throw)
Mizuno GMP600AXBK Pro Limited Baseball Glove 11.5 inch (Right Hand Throw) : Mizuno Pro Limited Edition gloves use Deguchi Kip Leather that has tigher fibers, proprietary tanning that provide perfectley conditioned leather that is stronger than previous Mizuno Pros. Axiom Patterns - middle infeild specific patterns that create a centralized pocket for easier fielding and quick transition. Shika Palm Lining - Eite deerskin palm lining that provides the ultimate in soft feel. Speed Drive Technology - gloves perfeclty balanced by position to provide the fastest reaction best response possible. Off season conditioning program - Have Mizuno get your glove into condition with the off season conditioning program. Mizuno offers a one time repair and reconditon of your glove to bring it back to its orginal glory. $299.00

Mizuno Baseball Glove Mizuno GMP600AXBK GMP600AXBK Pro Pro Limited Limited Baseball Baseball Glove Glove 11.5 Mizuno GMP600AXBK Pro Limited Mizuno GMP600AXBK Glove 11.5 Mizuno GMP600AXBK inch (Right

PROS27TMO-Right Handed Throw

Rawlings PROS27TMO Pro Preferred Mocha 12.75 inch Baseball Glove (Right Handed Throw)
Rawlings PROS27TMO Pro Preferred Mocha 12.75 inch Baseball Glove (Right Handed Throw) : This Pro Preferred 12 34" baseball glove from Rawlings features the Trap-Eze Web with a Fastback. With its deep pocket and open web, it is the most popular pattern among outfielders. The Pro Preferred line is made with supple Kip leather that provides a smooth look and feel. The Pittards performance sheepskin lining wicks away moisture and sweat to keep your hand dry and allows the glove to last several seasons. $349.95

Rawlings Baseball Glove Rawlings PROS27TMO PROS27TMO Pro Pro Preferred Preferred Mocha Mocha 12.75 12.75 inch Rawlings PROS27TMO Pro Preferred Rawlings PROS27TMO 12.75 inch Rawlings PROS27TMO Baseball Glove