Hide PRO315SB 2B

Hide PRO315SB 2B

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Rawlings Heart of the Hide PRO315SB-2B Fastpitch Softball Glove 11.75 Right Hand Throw
Fits like a glove is a meaning softball players have never truly understood. We'd like to introduce to you the Heart of the Hide® Softball line of gloves: the perfect fit. The hand-opening, finger stalls and pattern are tailored to the female athlete's hand with more attention and detail than ever before. You won't be disappointed. Details Age: Adult Brand: Rawlings Map: Yes Sport: Softball Type: Softball Size: 11.75 in Color: Black Hand: Right Back: Conventional Player Break-In: 20 Fit: Narrow Level: Adult Lining: Shell Leather Palm Padding: Moldable Pattern: Softball Position: Infield Series: Heart of the Hide Shell: Horween Featherlight Leather Type: Softball Web: Pro I $199.95

s a meaning softball players have never t
e a glove is a me
e is a meaning softball players have never truly understood.
e is a meaning softball players have never truly understood. Wed
 like a glove i
ke a glove is a meaning softball players have never truly understood. Wed like to
 glove is a meaning softball players have never truly understood. Wed like to
Rawlings Softball Glove Rawlings Heart Heart of of the the Hide Hide PRO315SB-2B PRO315SB-2B Fastpitch Rawlings Heart of the Rawlings Heart PRO315SB-2B Fastpitch Rawlings Heart Softball Glove